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Third Time's De Charm
Citation:   Jerry N. "Third Time's De Charm: An Experience with DXM (exp8165)". Oct 16, 2020.

T+ 0:00
474 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:18 474 mg oral DXM (liquid)
Started at about 7:46 am with half a bottle of cough syrup, then at 8:13 am I downed nearly the rest, the last smidgin at 9:04 am.

This is my third time on Dex, and I must personally say that it has been exceptionally illuminating, though the first two times I have only dwelt in the second plateau, which is of course very enjoyable. Even though the only active ingredient is DXM it is unbelievable disgusting, and I wouldn't recommend it unless all other options were exhausted. My first trip was, to be humble and honest, completely mind blowing, I never expected it to be that powerful, and my previous experience with psychedelics and psychotropics had been limited to alcohol, LSA (from morning glory seeds), and some weed with my comrades.

I decided to use DXM because of several reasons a) it was reported to be very strong, b) legal, c) cheap, d) relatively safe if done properly, and e) Eris. Eris because I am attempting to contact the Goddess of Discordia through DXM, it's something of an experiment. It appeared to me that the comic dimension of chugging cough syrup for a truly illuminating experience was very Discordian in nature, and this is a statement of my intent. So far it hasn't happened, but then again I haven't chugged the next bottle, heh. (i.e. I'm only on my first 474 mg).

The musick I've used is Pitchshifter (Very very good), and ICP and Meshuggah, the last two being real downers, strangely enhancing my nausea for some reason, but PS seems to keep me in a proper mindstate. My setting is of course my home, devoid of nosy interlopers and the like, just me, cough syrup, and my electronic devices. The high seems very somatic, my body is in a very happy state of painlessness, and since I dance, I happen to enjoy moving under the influence of Dex. It has a weird mystical feeling to it when I do, as if each movement was fully willed and fully desired, whether or not I put any thought into the movements.

My mind reels a bit when I turn my head, but even that feels good too, though I conjecture that too much movement could induce vomiting, for some reason only my body seems to know. The Pitchshifter is really amping my experience, the sound feels flat, but the lyrics sort of drill through it and enhance any thoughts or feelings I have, like a muse perhaps. Personally I'd declare, that at least for me, DXM is a very Discordian substance, and for those interested in knowing just what Discordia is I'd reference the Principia Discordia, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, and other books by Robert Anton Wilson. I wish I still had Illuminatus!, but since I lent it to Forrest I have to reside on memories.

Giant golden submarines, poetic dolphin revolutionaries, paranoid Bavarian pseudo-illuminati, golden apples for spiritual/ sexual delights
Giant golden submarines, poetic dolphin revolutionaries, paranoid Bavarian pseudo-illuminati, golden apples for spiritual/ sexual delights
, possible hoaxes involving talking Nietzchean Gorillas, Kallisti, giant goddesses roving the landscape wiping away ugly and mean resurrected nazi scum. (Good grief just writing that was a trip!).

About the cough syrup: It taste HORRIBLE, it really tastes like thick honey but that's the problem, it gets to one, and any thing that thick has to be absolutely unnatural. I make a note to myself to attempt an extraction. Anything would be better than that syrup. My consciousness is blurring a bit, even though my present dose is low for my body weight. I will down the other disgusting bottle within 15 minutes from the completion of this sentence. I truly desire the third plateau. And more so yet the forth. I plan to get my hands on some good Robo Max Strength (POWER TO THE SYRUP!!!) and discarnate myself into the U-Dead Zone. Good Luck to all Psychonauts!!!

Remember: Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted- Mad Arab at Alamut, my hero Hassan

Peace, Love, and Free Will- Fight for your Liberties

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8165
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 16, 2020Views: 926
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