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For Heart Problems
Citation:   J. D. Tenma. "For Heart Problems: An Experience with Kava (exp81754)". Apr 15, 2010.

  repeated oral Kava (pill / tablet)
This report details a personal experience that I had with Kava, and the health benefit that it provided.

One day, I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet, throwing away empty bottles, expired stuff, things I don't need anymore. I came across a bottle of Kava stress relief pills. I am under a lot of stress, so I decided to take some. I took 2 pills, the recommended dosage. This was on a Saturday morning. Over the course of the day, I did not notice any effects. So at midday, I took one more pill. Still nothing. I put the bottle away and wrote it off as quackery. However, I noticed something extraordinary: I often have heart palpitations, but over the next few days, I had none. This went on until Thursday, when they returned. So next weekend, I took 4 pills. This time they lasted throughout the whole week. Ever since then, I have been taking 4 pills every weekend, and since then I have had no heart palpitations.

I hope that others may benefit from this information, and I also hope that someone with more medical knowledge than me can figure out how this affects the heart.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81754
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 15, 2010Views: 10,155
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Kava (30) : Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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