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Hogwarts Remedies
Mugwort & Cannabis
Citation:   JackONine. "Hogwarts Remedies: An Experience with Mugwort & Cannabis (exp82055)". Nov 3, 2009.

0.1 bowls smoked Mugwort (plant material)
  0.1 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A few weeks ago a female friend of mine told me about mugwort, a herb she said promotes lucid dreams. I looked it up, and discovered that indeed, mugwort contains thujone, the active ingredient in absinthe. Me and a few friends decided to try it out.

We mixed it with cannabis and smoked a large bowl, between five people. The mugwort causes a 'face-melting' feeling similar to taking a large hit of weed, but this fades quickly. I became drowsy and calm. It was a very nice, clearheaded high. I always have lots of CEV's, no matter what drug I do, but these were definitely sharper and flowed better. It also had a mild aphrodisical quality on me.

It seems to complement weed really well. Probably great for a bowl just before bed.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82055
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 3, 2009Views: 18,372
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