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Primal Dancing
Cacti - Trichocereus SS01 x Juul's Giant
Citation:   fatcat. "Primal Dancing: An Experience with Cacti - Trichocereus SS01 x Juul's Giant (exp82073)". Erowid.org. Jan 29, 2018. erowid.org/exp/82073

8 in oral Cacti - columnar (extract)
I have done mushrooms, way too much pot, and some very meaningful smoked DMT experiences.

This is my first time with cacti, but not my last. I have never danced, nor had any desire to before this experience. But the night I had planned on drinking the Tea, my girlfriend, T, offered to go to an Industrial/DnB club with a few of our friends. While I don't like dancing, I love drum and bass, so I couldn't turn it down.

I had been boiling and reducing 10' of cactus (5' wide) for the two days prior. We were going to split it evenly, but I added too much vinegar (always use lemon juice, mescaline acetate = stomach problems) so T couldn't finish hers, and I greatly obliged. It ended up taking about an hour and a half (8:30 - 9:30 to finish 8 ounces of liquid. (She did not end up feeling the effects, other than a stomach ache so I will not focus on her anymore.)

I could feel the effects of the cactus 30 minutes after we were done. It started with MDMA-like waves of euphoria that just gradually increased over the next two hours. During the come up I spent most of my time on a computer, and talking to T while she was getting ready. After about 2 hours I started getting extreme dyslexia and the letters started changing positions, which was a good thing, because our friends had gotten off work, and it was time to leave for the club.

On the way there, we listened to alternative rock, which is normally tolerable, but not really that great for me. Not this time. I could feel every little nuance of the song. I could listen to any kind of music and it would move me, but all in different ways. Once we got to the club, and I could listen to music that I would normally love, the feeling amplified by 100x. The combination of the lights, loud music, and rhythmic dancing was sensory overload. We were scanning the crowd for friends of ours, but the only time we could see the people dancing was when the strobe light flashed. It was very trippy getting to see just a flash of people's face, then it flashing again and they were gone.

When we met up with our friends S and K I jumped up to S and gave him a huge hug and an I LOVE YOU MAN. This is something he would do to me, but I was always too reserved to reply in the same way. The main room was Industrial, and the back room was Drum and Bass. S brought us to the Drum and Bass room and I was in pure ecstasy. It had the most intricate laser shows, coming from every direction. I was having horrible tracers at this point so I could see giant geometric patterns being created by the movement of the lasers. This is when I first had the urge to dance, but it was a very alien feeling to me so I tried to ignore it.

After a few cigarettes and light conversation in the drum and bass room, we went back to the main room. This is when T asked me to dance. At first I was still a little embarrassed at wanting to dance, but after a few awkward moves I started to let the music guide me. I had never felt so connected to music in my life, it was awe-inspiring.
I started to let the music guide me. I had never felt so connected to music in my life, it was awe-inspiring.
The whole time I was dancing with T, who I could very easily tell was very self-conscious of her movements, and not really following the beat of the song. I was having a hard time dancing with her, but eventually we found a rhythm. The entire time I was thinking about how the natives used repetitive chants and drum beats while dancing and on hallucinogens. I had always seen dancing as just another thing that people do, not something that satisfies a primal urge like this was. I had fallen in love with everyone on the dance floor, watching the flowing movements of the crowd all together. The club closed at 2 and on the drive home I felt amazing, still in love with the music and all my friends and most especially T. When we got home, T and I smoked a lot of weed, and she passed out instantly, while I stayed up for 4 or 5 hours analyzing my life in a very positive way. Just focusing on the good things in my life and how great everything is.

It is 4 days later and I am still viewing my life in the same way. The cacti has brought the spring back to my step. I look at the world in a totally different way. There are no details that escape my vision, the contrast between different shades of the same color is much more rich. and everything is beautiful

Definitely doing it again, and again, and again. If I could only do one drug for the rest of my life, this would be it.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82073
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 29, 2018Views: 1,473
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