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Weekend Binge
Citation:   Goatboy. "Weekend Binge: An Experience with Cocaine (exp8209)". Jul 29, 2004.

  insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
In England the best festival there is is Glastonbury. I had been there four times before, each time getting totally wreaked on all the mind altering substances I could find. This time I wanted to really enjoy it and remember it all. I had done coke 2 or 3 times so knew that I would have a 'buzz' without totally losing control.

We met girls in the tent next to us who where clean living but unjudgemental individuals and we hung out with them for the weekend.

The Thursday night my friend and I just had about 3 big lines. We hadn't done it for a while so it really hit us and we gibbered to these girls and anyone else we could. We were a little out of control and I felt it to. It was fun but too much in somes ways.

The next day we began heavy drinking and it was only once really drunk (I am a happy social drunk) that we started on the coke. Because we had taken it the day before and because we had drunk it hit us in a nice mellow way, and this started us in an endless conversation with this two girls. Although they hadn't tried any they were perfect people to do coke with as they let us lead the conversation and they never got weird if we got weird.

I spent the whole weekend doing coke, sleeping about 3 hours each night. By the Sunday I didn't feel the coke, it just felt like I was having the best weekend ever without drugs. It so strange as that's exactly what I wanted. I wanted to take drugs and have a good time with out losing it, without the feeling of taking drugs and that's what I got.

When I got home I had done more coke than I had ever done, and I haven't much coke since. I didn't really have a come down as such, but I did have a need for coke for a couple of days afterwards. I didn't give in to it, but it made me realise for the first time that I could become addicted if I allowed myself to (which I won't).

With drugs in general I have found now I am older (27, ten years since first dabberling) that it suits my lifestyle to do drugs once in a blue moon. That way it's such a cool thing that makes me excited but doesn't really take control of who I am. I would say that I take drugs about 6 times a year and that's all. It really suits my needs for craziness, and it doesn't make me crazy. But do what makes you feel good, if it doesn't make you feel good maybe you should question what you are doing. Everyone is different don't try to be like anyone else.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 8209
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 29, 2004Views: 4,730
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Cocaine (13) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1)

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