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I Followed the Recipe Very Closely
DMT (from M. tenuiflora)
by mgf
Citation:   mgf. "I Followed the Recipe Very Closely: An Experience with DMT (from M. tenuiflora) (exp82138)". Apr 11, 2018.

1 hit smoked DMT
I used Mimosa Hostilis bark as the source for the DMT for the Masses recipe. I followed the recipe very closely....The one difference is I used a baster syringe to pull the Naptha carefully off the top of the bark/lye/water/naptha mixture. I then sprayed it into a clean jar. I then poured off carefully the clear naptha and avoided moving any other residues into yet another clean jar. I took that final jar and put it in the freezer overnight (until the liquid went from a hazy yellow to clear with the 'snow globes') as described in the original recipe. I poured the liquid through a coffee filter and retained the crystals. I then rinsed them several times in the coffee filter by flushing them with cold water.

I allowed the filter and crystals to dry. What I ended up with was a salt-looking collection of crystal with a slight yellow tinge, nothing else!! No paste no other residue was present! The product was extremely potent and the return was a little better than a half gram from 100 grams of bark. Did not bother with recrystallizing for it seemed futile with the amazing results already obtained.

As far as the effects of the resulting brief It has been consumed through smoking. The dosage of about 50 mg seems to produce one hit -do not pass go- straight to the other side with a return in about 3 to 6 minutes.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82138
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Apr 11, 2018Views: 2,102
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74), DMT (18) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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