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Comfortable & Enjoyable
Citation:   Nachoman. "Comfortable & Enjoyable: An Experience with Kava (exp8221)". Erowid.org. Aug 5, 2004. erowid.org/exp/8221

1540 mg oral Kava (capsule)
I was reading up in this website looking to buy some salvia. Somehow, and I'm not too sure how yet, five minutes later i found myself calling GNC and asking if they carried any Kava Kava Products. Anyway I ran down to the local GNC and picked up two bottles of Kava Kava pills because I heard the tea tastes TERRIBLE (never tried it though)! The kind i got had 110mg Root and at least 60mg Kavalactones per pill.

First Kava Experience

4:00 PM - Ingested 8 pills with some water. (880mg root, at least 480mg Kava)

4:15 PM - Mild buzz. Could be placebo effect.

4:35 PM - Mild but definite positive mood swing. I felt slightly dizzy.

5:00 PM - I felt like smiling or laughing for some reason (hmmm...)although it seemed to come out of nowhere and faded quickly.

5:20 PM - Most effects have worn off, took 3 more pills. (330mg root, at least 180mg kava)

6:00 PM - Should have taken all 11 at once. Regardless, it was a slow and easy-going introduction to Kava Kava.

Next Day:

Ingested 14 pills (1540mg root, at least 840mg Kava.

35 minutes later I was buzzing heavily mild. I was very relaxed and felt no pressures what so ever. I listened to a little music and it sounded better (or at least more interesting) than usual.
Walking was a bit awkward but no problem. I still wouldn't recommend driving even though you could pull it off with no problems. I felt a bit sick to my stomach but nothing too uncomfortable. I also felt a bit light-headed. Very comfortable and enjoyable. Worth doing again (but definitely not regularly).

That's pretty much it. No earthshaking euphoria or anything (probably in larger doses) but that's ok. For $11.00 for both bottles (30 pills in each) I would probably do it again although I would definitely smoke some bud with it. Altogether a comforting and mellow 'high' (it's not really a 'high' like pot high. It's kind of unique) I tried to concentrate on giving the dosage numbers instead of actually describing the experience. I did that so newcomers to Kava (myself included) will have a better idea of dosage.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8221
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2004Views: 24,720
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