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Gypsies at the Carnival or Paranoid Delusion?
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   tranquil tripper. "Gypsies at the Carnival or Paranoid Delusion?: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp82442)". Dec 19, 2021.

6 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (edible / food)
    oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Married for 11 months, discharged from Navy for 5 months after being in for three years, working part time for 2 months.
Marijuana is a daily indulgement. I have tried salvia divinorum the most of any hallucinogen, 2ci and 2ce next, morning glory seeds, then shrooms six times, Hawaiian baby woodrose once, and this one cactus experience.

I attempted this trip having failed a similar experiment a year prior. This time, the preparation of the cactus really came through as being the easiest, best tasting, and with no loss in potency. Within the first hour of the cactus delivery, I had already peeled and despined two six-inch cuttings of san pedro. I removed the outer green skin (I probably shouldn't have based on advice from literature online) and the fibery white core. I then placed the slimy, bright green, bitter smelling sticks in a Tupperware container in the fridge for a day. The next day, I put them in the freezer.

The next day, I would trip after sleeping for fourteen hours with my wife and waking up at 530pm. It was dark outside. She didn’t really want to trip but suggested that we find some marijuana to ease the nausea. The process of finding some marijuana took three hours and the dealer and his friends invited themselves over. So, I debated whether to still trip and seeing as how my body and mind were perfectly primed at this point (fasted for 18 hours, had enough sleep, had a multi-vitamin, dark outside) I wasn’t going to give up on the idea. So, I removed the Tupperware with the 'crickets' (I had a dream prior to this waking moment of being surrounded by foul tasting, green crickets that I had to make edible somehow using a recipe), and popped a small piece in my mouth. Whew! The taste is just bad all over, especially the aftertaste. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to down enough of this to get off, so I turned to the aid of blending masking flavors with the cactus. In addition to the cactus, I blended a handful of blueberries, one banana, an orange, a lot of lemon juice (helps the most), and six ice cubes with some of the goop that came out of the pieces after freezing. I couldn’t tell you the improvement it had. It was like drinking a regular, refreshing fruit smoothie that, later, had very powerful impact on my state of mind.
It was like drinking a regular, refreshing fruit smoothie that, later, had very powerful impact on my state of mind.
It made two full cups.

I started drinking the smoothie at 930 and finished at 1030. I had made special brownies after we got the marijuana and enjoyed some small bites as I waited for the mescaline to kick in. By this time, the party had arrived consisting of one drug-dealing maniac, our mutual gay friend, and their friend 'Ash' who was going through a romantic crisis with a man from Hawaii. Also, at this point in time, my wife and I had been bickering about the topic of extra-marital fantasies and weren’t getting along too well. The drug-dealing maniac, named 'Z', was somebody whom I accused my wife of 'checking out' and now he was in our home while I rendered myself incompetent with hallucinogens. So, the setting was a little out of my social comfort zone, but made for one of the strangest experiences of my life to date.

As the mescaline began to make itself known, at about 1130pm, I gradually was taken into another world of fantasy and illusion. I felt it hit like 'zang!' when my wife, “D”, and I were sharing the couch together. I immediately had to use the toilet. Once in the dark solace, there came a vision to my eyes of the most beautiful rainbow-colored butterfly unfolding its wings. I was appalled to see such a vivid image with my eyes open. I returned to my seat on the couch with my lover and gazed at the transformation of my immediate surroundings as they changed from home furnishings into carnival attractions. The lights emitted onto the ceiling were each a single color of the rainbow which produced the illusion of a sky filled with large, bright balloons. Patterns on cloth stood out like 3-d images. But the weirdest effect was on the way I interpreted verbal contexts. As I sat in awe of the beauty and tranquility bestowed upon my timeless awareness, the party gathered round the coffee table for a game of spades. I chose not to play and articulated this to the other members via body language as was my only means at this point. Ash, the one with the Hawaiian lover, said, 'who predicted that one?' alluding to me but speaking literally of the game at hand. This rendition of reality was to continue for the next two and a half hours while they played spades, only getting more specific to my thoughts as time went on. Ash then proceeded to take a handkerchief and wrap it on her head so she resembled a psychic gypsy to the nth degree. She became the mastermind of the card game which would decide the fate of my marriage while the other two apprentices made sound effects and comments to throw me off my defense.

My wife denies that the three gypsies in our house were plotting to have her sleep with 'z' but what I saw was so obvious. Was it just a paranoid delusion? These are some things I remember them saying: putting down cards, ash says 'ho, ho, ho,' as in each card points to my wife being a 'ho.' 'pop-on pop-off.' a slang phrase used commonly which I interpreted to mean my wife's behavior with her ring. Ash kept singing 'diamonds are forever.' and then 'z' would say 'not 'd''s.' gay friend says, 'he's like... Hmmmmm.' (they're talking about how I don’t say much) laughter abounds. I would literally think, 'I’m onto you guys, I know what you’re trying to do.' then, in response, ash would openly say, 'you think so, huh? You really think you know?' basically, I was amused at the tricks they used to play with my mind, such as making sound effects to make my brain frizzle or fry, which they called 'books.' I know a 'book' in spades means a winning round but I applied everything they said directly to the urgent thoughts in my head so books came to mean 'tricks that stupefy me.' I retained that they were harmless to me, though.

Eventually they left, and my wife remained at my side, so the trip to the carnival was very entertaining, vice damaging. The trip continued on to the next day after I slept. I could not drive for distance and proportion were drastically distorted still.

I have a newly acquired sense of an inner peace from the mescaline. I was shown a spiritual world were reality becomes dream.
It helped me to release some of my delusions about my wife’s loyalty and connect with her on a deeper, more heartfelt level.
Physical side effects were noted such as tightened spinal muscles, increased body heat and heartbeat. The afterglow aided my guitar playing improvising and the regular stressful impact of time on the psyche is minimized. I will repeat this trip again for the therapeutic effects on my psyche.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82442
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 19, 2021Views: 506
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Combinations (3)

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