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Good at First, Not Pleasant Overall
Sceletium tortuosum Product
Citation:   Joe Smiley. "Good at First, Not Pleasant Overall: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum Product (exp82757)". Dec 23, 2022.

7 mg oral Products - Other (liquid)
I loved the euphoria of MDMA, but found the extended comedown unendurable, so I decided to try sceletium after a friend recommended it as a euphoric. At a local shop I purchased a liquid extract which contains sceletium tortuosum but also includes theobroma cacao, crocus sativus, citrus aurantium, and amino acids. The guy in the shop recommended a dosage of one vial (about 10-15ml), but I took only half to start. It tasted awful. At the time of ingestion I was feeling curious and excited, expectant of ecstasy-like results. I had my lights turned low and the tv on, and I hadn’t taken anything else for at least a day prior to this in order to ensure a clean slate for judging sceletium’s effects.

Within fifteen to twenty minutes I began to feel positively funky. I experienced a mellow, lucid euphoria, pleasurable lethargy, and sensitivity to touch much like the first waves of a rising MDMA stone. I was very happy with the results at this stage, which lasted about ten to twenty minutes.

Once this first stage passed, however (about thirty to forty minutes after ingestion) I noticed a slight headache coming on, accompanied by feelings of nausea. Both the headache and nausea steadily increased in severity until I was uncomfortable enough to try to induce vomiting, without success. Mentally I felt a little fuzzy, not enough to impede thought much, but physically I was thoroughly sickened. I was lucid enough to get online and see if other users had had similar reactions, and reading that some had but that the effects were temporary, I lie down and determine to tough it out. After much sweating, deep breathing, and nursing of my aching brain, the effects finally passed approximately three to four hours after ingestion.

Conclusion: although that particular experience was certainly not my cup of tea overall, there might be potential for a more enjoyable trip. I may try it again, but if I do I will have a far lower dose, and dilute it in water to improve the taste and further reduce the potency.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82757
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Dec 23, 2022Views: 395
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Sceletium tortuosum (179), Products - Other (550) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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