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Realistic Visuals
Citation:   check. "Realistic Visuals: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp82901)". Feb 12, 2018.

350 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I had been reading about benadryl and found out you could trip on it. So I told my friend, K, about it and we decided to try it. We were with our friend A (who was driving) and we stopped at CVS to buy some benadryl. Me and K each took 14 25mg pills. We were driving around for a while and I didn't really feel too much. We stopped the car at a dead end before some woods and me and K got out. We were starting to hallucinate a little bit; we stared at the trees and were seeing strange shapes in them. We were both really tired and out of it, and not able to function well at all. It was late, and K needed to be home, so A dropped me off at my house.

It had been about 3 hours since I had taken the benadryl, and I was definitely starting to see some weird stuff. I went to my room, which was completely dark. I was lying on my bed for a while, seeing all these lines in the room, like crossing over from the walls and the ceiling. With all the things I've heard since then about benadryl and spider hallucinations, I'm assuming they were spider webs. I didn't think that at the time, but looking back on it, that's what they looked like.

I was staring up at the ceiling, and I noticed my cell phone was floating in front of me. Something told me that wasn't right, and I reached out to grab it. I kept missing though, and suddenly I realized that it wasn't possible for my phone to float all by itself
suddenly I realized that it wasn't possible for my phone to float all by itself
, and I looked over to see my phone sitting on a table next to my bed. I began to stare at the ceiling again. A few minutes later, my phone was floating again, and I tried to grab at it. Once again, I had the same realization, that my phone couldn't possibly be floating, and I had to check my table to see that it was really there. This happened a couple more times, and I turned to my side to stare at the wall.

In my room, there is a window right next to my bed, but where my pillow/head was is a few feet passed the window. However, I was staring at my wall and I was able to see the street outside, like as if there was a window right there. I snapped out of it and realized that the window was a few feet away, and I was really just looking at the wall. Then I remembered my phone and saw it floating above my head once again. I decided to put on a movie for myself, because I just couldn't handle all this confusion.

I grabbed a tape from beneath my TV and attempted to put it in. However, this seemed to be the most difficult thing I have ever attempted in my life. The VCR kept getting bigger and smaller, and I couldn't seem to line the tape up correctly. It felt like ages I was trying to get the tape inside... I remember putting my face right up next to the VCR, lining up the tape, and pushing it in, but it would somehow hit the side. I was about to give up completely when I finally managed to get it in. I must have been trying for at least five minutes, and I keep wishing I had recorded myself doing that; I can't imagine what I'd looked like trying to get the damn thing in.

I eventually fell asleep, and the next day I felt a little depressed and strange all day (although smoking weed definitely helped that). Overall the experience was fun, but very weird.

I've done benadryl a few times since and this was by far the most enjoyable experience with it. It's not something to do multiple times; the visuals are interesting because I can't really tell what is real, but the uncomfortable feeling I have the whole time and the depression the next day really isn't worth it at all.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82901
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 12, 2018Views: 2,142
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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