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Absolute Ecstasy
Citation:   ThunderBird. "Absolute Ecstasy: An Experience with Kava (exp83162)". May 20, 2018.

468 mg oral Kava (tea)
Today was the day of the experience.
I work third shift, and had no sleep prior to last night's work.
I was hyped about going to buy Kava Kava Extract...I was very wired.

One Capsule is 234 mgs.

I called my buddy J up to ask him if he would like to join me in a sit to relax some of this tea.

J and I then drove to the local health food market, and purchased a bottle of 60 capsules which only turned out to be around $15.

We had been told that one could simply use the capsule content ' Kava Root Extract Powder' inside to brew as tea. We began to mix the drinks, I began with two capsules '468 mgs Kava Kava Root Extract'. After about a half hour or so I began to notice the adverse effects coming on quite firm.

My Experience,I began to feel very simple, calm, relaxed.
Colours were in fact deep, and rich with beauty. Overall, happy with ease.

I couldn't stay focused on one thing, because I wanted to talk about anything, and everything. I wanted to look about the snow outside, or go for a drive. Going outside was the best idea since the bitter wind on my skin was like soft feathers tickling my arms, and neck.

We reside inside, I begin to feel drowsiness grab hold of me, and I watched some Mighty Boosh & Tim And Eric Awesome Show Good Job.

It's been hours after this experience, I'm getting ready to brew a cup of this wonderful tea, and ride some gnarly waves out to dream world!

All in all, the taste is not horrible ' we used a artificial sweetener called Stevia Extract'. Not bad at all, very helpful if one can't fall asleep at night.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83162
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 20, 2018Views: 1,631
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Kava (30) : General (1), First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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