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One Small Snort for Man...
Citation:   c13h21. "One Small Snort for Man...: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp8345)". Jul 26, 2001.

7.0 mg insufflated 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
i have been reading alot of bad reports about snorting and i have had very nice results with insuffation. i have had one bad experience out of thirteen. the second time i experienced 2ct7 i insuffated 10 mg all at once. for the next ten minutes i experienced extreme burning like all of the other reports. once that subsided i was dissociating uncontrollably and uncomfortably. for the next 45 minutes i lay in fetal postion on my bed [which felt like it was tipped to one side or the other at a ninety degree angle. after that 45 minutes it was the most euphoric and awesome experience i had had in a long time it was wonderful. so after this i started to wonder. if i did it in small doses one after another maybe the come on wouldnt be so intense. so i tried insuffating 2 mg then waiting 5 minutes then insuffaiting 2 more and waiting 5 more minutes, repeating this process until the goal dose was achieved.

this i would say worked wonderfully the burning sensation while still present was minor and the come on spread out over half an hour or so was very nice. it was slow enough so that i could get adjusted to it as it reached each level. i have tried taking 2ct7 orally and it only worked one out of two times and the one time it worked i found myself annoyed and feeling restless. whether it was from the way my body metabolized it or my state of mind prior to the experience i cannot say.

i recommend insuffation as the best way to take 2ct7 however users must be very careful as to how much they take and it is important to spread out the total dose over time. just remember that the plateau is somewhere around an hour, hour and a half and lasts 2-3 hours depending on the user. during this time its a good idea to have a sitter or someone very experienced who can keep an eye on you. i myself have never lost consciousness or forgotten my name or anything stupid like that. 2ct7 is not just another way to 'get high' it is a very powerful psychedelic.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8345
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2001Views: 16,200
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2C-T-7 (54) : Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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