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Chirisanango: The 'Lost Trinity'
Brunfelsia & Ayahuasca
Citation:   Ayaraapra. "Chirisanango: The 'Lost Trinity': An Experience with Brunfelsia & Ayahuasca (exp83611)". Dec 2, 2017.

  oral Ayahuasca (tea)
    oral Brunfelsia spp. (tea)
Chirisanango: The 'Lost Trinity' in Ayahuasca

Chirisanango/Chiricaspi/Dr.Caspi... (Brunfelsia grandiflora, latifolia, uniflora, chiricaspi, hopeana and - possibly - Franciscea uniflora) -and, various (unverified) local/ethnic appellations: (Manaca, Gamba jerataca, Cangamba, Mokapari, Paraguay jasmine, Umburapuama, and the - aforementioned - Dr.Caspi)

Take 20 leaves,'fresh-picked', of Chirisanango, and add to the 'Brew' of 40 liters of 'Traditional' Ayahuasca - that is of B.caapi + P.viridis - and 'reduce', as per normal, (from 8-16 hrs. -better at lower temp. for longer!), from 40lts. down to 1 or 1 & half lts.

I 'tweak' the ayahuasca by adding x2-3 more Chakruna/P.Viridis/Light; it depends on the maturity of the B.caapi -usually too young to contain the required 'Force' - but, if the vine is 'wrist thick': well, I am onto a seriously good thing!

I may add up to 40 Chirisanango leaves to a 'Brew', but Warning: this -extremely potent - 'Medicina', should not be given to any 'Psychonauts' suffering from High Blood Pressure/Heart Problems! However, even the Brew at x20 leaves strength is pretty much 'guaranteed' to take whomsoever up into the 'astral' - whether they like it or not! I do not advocate giving this 'Trinityhuasca' to 'Spiritual Tourists' or amateur Hedonists -it's quite serious 'Stuff' - or at least, if you wish to go there: then have a Genuine Shaman present!

The 'Spirit' of Chirisanango is subservient to that of the Ayahuasca - thus, if one is experienced at 'Trabalhos': one will feel (within 10 minutes max.) a quickening of the pulse rate & increased heart activity/ some heavy breathing....Other than that, well, it's like 'Surfing Jaws of Hawaii' - as opposed to a 'Point Break in Costa Rica'! It's definately 'turbo-charged'...and a profound Experience!

Just remember to: ' Pay Attention and keep breathing!!!' (thanks to T. McKenna). It's an 'Interstellar Overdrive'... and is actually the most effective way one can learn to 'Chant' (or 'Be Sung') in the astral: not that much choice, for - often - Diaphragmatic Breathing is essential, in order to deal with the 'Force'.

The only 'side effects' I've noticed, from the addition of 'Brunfelsia' - which is not to be confused with 'Brugmansia' - is that the 'mareacion'/'voyage' is often somewhat prolonged - I may still feel a few of the effects up to 24hrs. later, and there are occasionally latent, lingering imprints of 'bright objects' on my retinas, for up to 30 hrs.

The only other side effect (if one's lungs are not accustomed to being 'breathed'!) is an increase in Breathing Rate for up to 12 hrs. after the partaking of the 'Medicina'... May the 'Force' Be with YOU...

Exp Year: 2006-2010ExpID: 83611
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Dec 2, 2017Views: 3,475
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