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My Problem Child
Citation:   farmpkm. "My Problem Child: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp83656)". Mar 8, 2019.

  repeated IV 4-Methylmethcathinone (liquid)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
Funny thing is, I'm not typically a talented writer. Sure, I can do technical writing (I'm an engineer), but I have never written anything creative like the following before or since.]

So it turns out this shit is for real; too real, in fact. It was delivered by chance with perfect timing on Wednesday, the day before New Years Eve. Having tried this stuff before, I knew my will power was about to be bitch slapped, not to be seen or heard from till the very last milligram had plunged into my veins.

Anyway, its Saturday morning and I find myself hold up in my bedroom, my soulless self splattered clear across rock bottom. Didn't sleep a wink Wednesday, drank myself into a coma for a fleeting few hours on New Years, and unable again to catch a single Z last night..

My forearms have been bruised to a Rihanna-like mess. I'm surrounded by the incomprehensible litter of my dismantled possessions engineered into failed prototypes of a device whose purpose I would surely know once I had built it.

The heavy rush of IV mephedrone surpassed any cocaine bell-ringer I've had or imagined. For me, I fear there's no hope of balancing a productive life with any level of mephedrone use. Time to throw in the towel, I've been defeated.
For me, I fear there's no hope of balancing a productive life with any level of mephedrone use. Time to throw in the towel, I've been defeated.

This is the part where I make an embarassing phone call to my mother requesting immediate delivery of a xanax or 3, no questions asked please, I just need to sleep.

The author reports using a total of five grams

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83656
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Mar 8, 2019Views: 1,190
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Multi-Day Experience (13), Alone (16)

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