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Snorting Meperidine, Take 2: Pain v. Pleasure
Citation:   john_iv. "Snorting Meperidine, Take 2: Pain v. Pleasure: An Experience with Meperidine (exp83693)". Dec 30, 2015.

75 mg insufflated Pharms - Meperidine
Mindset: This was to be my second try insufflating meperidine. I am a well-experienced user, though not currently addicted.

Setting: My condominium one weekday evening, February 3, 2010

Drug: Meperidine HCl, USP reference standard (as close as one gets to 100% pure)

Administration: Insufflated ~75 mg. Unlike last time, I was able to get the entire line insufflated without stopping from the horrible burn. The burning was still very intense, but not as bad as my first experience a few days prior, and I was expecting it.

Onset: Again, only a mild feeling of well-being is noticeable at first, and I find the effects quite delayed given the route of administration.

Duration: The experience lasted quite a while, several hours at least. I eventually fell asleep (from being tired, not from the drug), only to awake about two hours later with some mild numbness remaining. Not a mind-blowing opioid experience, but very pleasant overall given the duration.

Discussion: In the end, insufflating pure meperidine is a pain vs. pleasure experience where the former unfortunately wins. Despite an enduring high, the burn & irritation from insufflating the material, whether anticipated or not, is not worth it. While I can get over the minute or so of face-contorting torture from insufflating the drug, the mayhem it is likely playing on my nasal mucosa is just not worth the mild high.
The morning after my first experience, I blew out a large clot of blood from the same nostril. The morning after repeating the experience, not only did I get large clots of blood, but there was an extreme sensitivity when I blew my nose. It felt as though I might rupture a blood vessel if I were to blow too hard. Even now 2 days after this experience, I am blowing out regular amounts of bloody mucous.

It is not worth repeating in my mind. Some drugs go down (or ‘up’, given the route of insufflation) quite well, with no itch, burn, or irritation. Meperidine is NOT one of such drugs.

(I guess the next experiment would be to inject…since I still have about 200 mg of pure reference standard. I’ll need to consider this for a while…)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83693
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 30, 2015Views: 5,615
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Pharms - Meperidine (408) : General (1), Alone (16)

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