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I Fell Asleep Without My Consent
Citation:   King of the Pharmacy. "I Fell Asleep Without My Consent: An Experience with Trazodone (exp83698)". Feb 24, 2018.

450 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone (pill / tablet)
Holy Trazodone

So this was my first time using trazodone as a recreational drug, and let me tell you it was not the best experience I have ever had. About 1 hour after the first dose, I felt very very drowsy, I felt like if I fell asleep I would deffinaltely fall into a coma so I had my friend keep me awake with load music and load noises that would deprive me from sleeping. NOT a good idea, about 2 1/2 hours after the first dose I finally fell asleep without my consent, not thinking how long I would sleep my friend set an alarm for me for 2 hours after I fell asleep. I woke to the sounds of an alarm 14 hours later!!!! Wasted day and bad headache. But if I would do it again HELL YES, it was the best sleep I have ever had. If my baby mamma was over I would take that much again just to get away from her. Thank you for experiencing this with me.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83698
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 24, 2018Views: 2,249
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Pharms - Trazodone (294) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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