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Decided to Try to Overclock My Neural Circuitry
Piracetam & Lecithin
Citation:   Mr. X. "Decided to Try to Overclock My Neural Circuitry: An Experience with Piracetam & Lecithin (exp83735)". Oct 28, 2022.

1600 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
  2.4 - 3.5 g oral Lecithin (daily)
Piracetam 2 * 800 mg. daily oral
Lecithin approx. 2.4-3.5 g, as above
Weight: 60-70 kg.

Experience date: 2009-2010

I am currently an engineering undergraduate student. Long story short, I was unsatisfied with my mental productivity. Pretty often, my mind was not efficient enough to perform to the level that is needed. Also, I don't have any big talents. My huge ambitions and ability to have fun while doing things are the fundamental factors behind anything I accomplish. So I decided to try to overclock my neural circuitry with certain chemistry. As sidenote, I only took some vinpocetine before. I don't drink alcohol, nor do I smoke or use recreational drugs. In a local pharmacy, I bought some piracetam. It is supposed to be prescription-only here, but I was able to just walk in and purchase it in a no-questions-asked fashion. There are some advantages to living in Eastern Europe.

In place of disclaimer, I'd like to mention that I don't have a background in pharmacology/ neuroscience/ biochemistry/ medicine. What I report here is my own subjective experience that may or may not have been caused by a placebo effect. Don't take it too seriously, dear reader.

My attack dose of 1.2 g was enough to experience considerable increase of mental sharpness. During first days, I was taking 1.2 g of piracetam one or two times a day. Initial reaction was easy to notice. The very evening I took the first pills, I entered a pleasant kind of concentration. Instantly, learning things got more easy and more fulfilling. Also, it felt like my emotions were somewhat attenuated, but I liked it that way. My attention got narrowed down to something of my choice. All of that felt pretty weird, but I definitely found it enjoyable. I was very alert and energetic. Too bad these initial effects lasted only for first few days.

After some fiddling with dosage, I settled on taking 0.8 g twice daily. Also, I am taking couple pills of lecithin in the morning. I found that taking large doses (say, 4.8 g) is useless and provide no additional benefits. There were no bad side effects associated with that either.

It's been a few months since I started taking piracetam. What can I say about it? I noticed that it does seem to improve my cognitive functioning, but this substance doesn't make me even remotely super-human. The length of work day still has to be limited. There is still a need to rest after doing some effort-requiring things. However, while limitations of are pretty clear for me, so are the benefits I am getting. Some days have more distractions or do seem numb, but are considerably more rare than before. The mental states that are fitting my usual activities (reading, programming, etc.) are a lot easier to get into. On average, my mental productivity has increased.

Am I satisfied now? Well, the performance is better, so are my grades. But that doesn't stop me from wanting more. Possibly in the future I'll try out some other nootropics.

Exp Year: 2009-2010ExpID: 83735
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 28, 2022Views: 534
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Lecithin (289), Piracetam (95) : First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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