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Subtly Enjoyable to Wonderful
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Citation:   Wdpwg. "Subtly Enjoyable to Wonderful: An Experience with Gabapentin (Neurontin) (exp83751)". Jan 3, 2011.

T+ 0:00
600 mg insufflated Pharms - Gabapentin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20 200 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (capsule)
  T+ 0:20 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 2:05 400 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (capsule)
I came by 2400mg of gabapentin (neurontin) in 100mg capsules and decided to do a bit of experimenting with it. I did some reading on the drug and decided to take 800mg and to not drink or supplement with other drugs. I wanted to know what this gabapentin was all about. I was planning to go to a show that one of my friends was putting on, so it seemed like a good time to do it.

9:25 - Start to insufflate 600mg dose. It takes a while to do it all because my cold causes near immediate drips, and the powder is extremely bitter. Water and hard candies on hand to counteract the taste.

9:45 - 200mg dose taken orally. No noticeable effects yet, the burn in my nose is nearly gone and I feel like a beer would do me good (so I have one). A few sips of my roommates cola are also consumed to hopefully speed the onset. Last meal was at about 8:00, hopefully late enough to help absorption as well.

10:30 - Still no major effects. I'm drinking lots of water, and feeling pretty good. I'm not tired at all, and happy to be with some friends.

11:10 - Feeling more conversational than usual, but still waiting for some kind of physical effect.

11:30 - 400mg dose taken orally to bolster effects. Still not feeling much except ease of social interaction.

12:30 - Starting to feel slight loss of balance and coordination.

1:30 - Decide to go home. Not feeling up to the big party that my friends are going to, and wondering if this is the end of the drug.

2:30 - After a long walk (~40 mins) I arrive home to find myself very high. I have a tendency to stand still and look at everything around me. I feel as though I can do whatever I want, and am empowered by the trivial knowledge that I could clean that kitchen if I wanted to. I eat a little bit and drink some more water and head upstairs very slowly.

2:50 - Bath time. I set up candles and quiet music and draw a hot bath. I am stopping and starting a lot when I walk around, taking a great deal of pleasure in the positions that I find myself in whilst performing the mundane tasks of basic movement. Stepping into the bath is absolutely luscious.

3:30 - At this point it almost feels like the latter part of a psilocybin trip; visual tricks are happening all over, the pattern on the curtains is shifting slightly and the curtains themselves are bulging as if there is something pushing behind them. The euphoric feeling is very similar to that feeling late in a mushroom experience when you've calmed down and are just pleasantly confused and ponderous.

3:50 - I'm tired enough to sleep, but I don't feel like nodding off just yet. I'm closing my eyes to a bizarre scene of complete nothingness except for one or two objects rendered in perfect clarity, and everytime I open my eyes, the objects mysteriously vanish or change to something else. First it was a spinning knife, then a large broccoli, then an old car and some flowers... I'm not doing this consciously, that's for sure.

4:10 - After catching myself starting to pass out (Do not fall asleep in the bath!) I pulled the plug and sat in the bottom, watching and listening to the drain. I sat until all the water was gone, and then waited until I heard a roommate come home downstairs before standing up and letting the water drip off of me. It takes a while before I towel off and go down to meet the returnees.

4:30 - Another snack and water. I'm nearly back to normal at this point, but it's hard to tell since my roommates are on MDMA and are excellent conversation partners at the moment.

5:00 - Since I'm feeling well enough to write this, I think it's safe to say that it's over. I'm still very easily distracted by the candle that's burning and the small cut on my shoulder which is bleeding, but it's off to bed with me in short order.

Overall, I'd say that this is a drug that I would do again. For me, it would be best not as a party drug, but more as something to do at home, maybe share with a friend and stay in. Since walking home seemed to boost the effects, maybe physical activity is a good addition to the agenda when planning a trip. Drinking water is always a good idea, and doing enough research to be safe and calm is important to me, at least. I'd say that the initial effects were somewhat similar to very woozy slow adderall, and the later effects more like an opiate (I've only tried dilaudid) or mushroom trip. It's obviously not the same as those drugs, but that's what I'd compare them to in my limited experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83751
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 3, 2011Views: 66,037
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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