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Missing Moment
Unknown (sold as Ecstasy)
Citation:   ramona. "Missing Moment: An Experience with Unknown (sold as Ecstasy) (exp8384)". Oct 22, 2020.

6 tablets oral Unknown (pill / tablet)

It was around 10 pm and I'd just arrived at a party that a friend of mine was DJing at, it was a great atmosphere... lots of lights and dancing and good times. After a buttload of dancing this guy i knew came up to me and said he had a shit load of X and that if I wanted some all I had to do was give him a kiss... I was thinking 'what the hell... what a deal... he's crazy... free X... hell yeah I'll kiss ya '; I should questioned that however, no one gives away ecstasy... but I'm dumb. I gave him a kiss and held out my hand... he dumped 6 red tablets into my hand and told me I had to take them all (he said they were kind of weak ), and me, wanting to have a good time, did precisely that.

About an hour later shit started to kick in... but not very much. Eventually around 12 we left the party and headed out to the club, at first everything was great: there were lights, mind blowing trance, people, great atmosphere... and I was rolling! But soon time started to scatter and the lights and music were no longer inviting but horrific... it's as if they were screaming for me to turn away and run home. I felt extremely nauseous, and my body felt breakable... it almost felt as if my insides were corroding and shriveling up into nothing. I went to a corner and just curled up there by myself... this shit I took was definitely not X... this was everything that X is not about. And in contrast to my greatly planned night, I ended up living a nightmare for 18 non stop hours.

I convinced everyone I was with to leave the club around 1:30 or so and we headed back to my friend's place. I thought that maybe getting away from the music and the lights would help... but time only made matters worse. We arrived at her house in a small group and all sat around on the couch and just talked about drugs and the night and the club... I was there, but my mind was in another world, a nightmare, hell even... and my body, well my body could barely function. I was nauseous, yet I couldn't puke because my muscles wouldn't allow it... they were dying, I was dying.

I left the group and wondered off into a room by myself, I locked the door, and proceeded to lie on the bed. The room was dark and it towered over me like a coffin... I couldn't help but think that I was already dead... was I? I had no idea. I could hear my heart racing and bouncing around like a thunderous stampede. It wouldn't settle... 'am I dead yet'... 'I'm going to die'... 'if I fall asleep I'll die'. And that's how I layed for 7 or so hours... awake and waiting for death. I knew that it would strike at any second, but it never came... Satan was with me that night, and he was waiting to clench the last bit of breath from my heart... but I wouldn't let him. That night I was everything wrong with the world... I was diseased, dead, and a liar... I was everything I didn't want to be... and it was all from a pill that claimed itself to be ecstasy.

The horror went on for 18 hours... I even had to work with the thought that I'd never be normal again... I seriously thought I'd fucked myself up for good... my head ached... my thoughts were scattered and cloudy... my heart raced... was I even sane?

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8384
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 721
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Unknown (120) : Difficult Experiences (5), What Was in That? (26), Entities / Beings (37), Various (28)

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