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To The Movies
Citation:   Cindex. "To The Movies: An Experience with 2C-I (exp84127)". Jul 22, 2010.

  oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I'm writing this at night, after the experience. The last of my desire for touching soft objects is gone.

For reference:

M is my best friend for a few years, and we dated not long ago. I'm still completely falling for her, and not all that excited to meet D. She's 17. She's also the only one trying the 2C-I. She's gotten high once with me on some BOMB weed, and had a bad experience. She's always told me she wanted acid, but when I told her I got a drug which mixes the effects of acid and E she got really excited. I never thought it was a good idea, since she did so bad with weed, but she was adament. When actually taking the drug, however, she wasn't so ready.

D is M's romantic interest. He lives in the town we drove to to see a movie (~45 minutes away from our town) and says he doesn't want to do the distance. He's 19.

R is a good friend of M and I. M required him to be there for comfort, though I'm not sure why. I said he was a good DD. He's 17.

I love getting high and just hanging out. It doesn't really matter what I'm doing, because whatever I'm doing is fun. I get high pretty fast, and don't mind being able to smoke less and get high faster. The only hallucinogen I've ever used is massive amounts of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, AKA Benadryl. It was some minor visuals, nothing major. I'm 17.

T - 0:00

We were driving to a nearby town to watch a movie. M was driving and R was in the back seat. I unfolded a measured 'hit' wrapped in tinfoil. I took most of hit and told my friend M to take the rest. She waited about fifteen minutes to take it.

T - 0:15

She only took a small bit with her finger and licked it. It was very little of the stuff, but I couldn't convince her to take more. We felt that the slow time it takes to kick in would make it safe to get to the town (about fifteen minutes away) and get somewhere to switch drivers. I licked to tinfoil after, just to get all of my money's worth. I don't think there was a substantial amount left.

T - 0:25

I smoked a tiny bit of marijuana, because M and R weren't fond of me even taking it out of it's wrappings. It didn't last too long, and was quite light. I was just ready to be having fun.

T - 0:50

Bought our movie tickets. The high is still there, but not to impairment level. We went to a dorm room to pick up D and came back to the movie. I simply brushed off the fact that he was there, with only a little introduction from M.

T - 1:00

We're in the movie past the previews and I can feel a bit of a body high. It's different than marijuana, and in my opinion better. The movie is Crazies. It's a horror/action movie, and (at the time) quite scary. I told D I was on 2C-I and smoked some marijuana earlier, but he didn't really know what 2C-I was. I told him it's kind of like LSD and E put together. (this is what I was told before hand) He congratulated me on keeping my cool. I meant to tell him M had a little too, but I apparently didn't make it clear in my roundabout speech.

Although throughout the movie I did get quite scared, sad, happy, and just about every other emotion; I didn't find any of them unpleasant. Being scared was an awesome rush and being sad felt like melting.

T - 1:10 - 1:20?

Time here is approximate. I kept checking my phone to see the time but it crept by very slowly. I had no problem with it, as I was enjoying myself. I started to notice that the screen was a bit wavy. At first, I thought it was the movie. I looked to my right and saw D's face contorting with the waves. It was then I realized how great I felt.

T - 1:45

I notice the screen waving a lot, and sometimes I'm seeing things in the movie that aren't there. The screen is filling my entire vision, and it never crosses my mind that there is anything else but this scary movie in front of me. I've stopped myself from becoming too scared by just pulling my vision back and remembering I'm in a theater. I laugh internally, and fall right back into the movie.

T - 2:00

It's about now I decide to close my eyes, and I'm glad I did. I saw, in my head, a strange machine shooting colored balls in every direction. I immediately decided that they were gumballs. I think it's my hallucination, so that's what they were. The machine was entrancing, and I'm not really sure what it really was.

The 'machine' was simply a cartoony yellow colored tube with a red rim on top and a blue rim on bottom. Flowing out of it in all directions were blue and red 'streamers' along with the balls flying out everywhere. Everything was just like some weird, soft, clay-looking cartoon. I'm not too sure how long I looked at it, but it was at least a few minutes.

T - 2:10

I think this is around peaking time for me. The movie is amazingly intense and scary. I feel as if I'm running with the main characters away from the Crazies and trying to escape to freedom.

T - 3:00?

The movie is over. We stand up and M falls back into her seat. We walk out of the theater and D and I go to the bathroom. There's no one else in there, so I quickly describe the effects that I've experienced. When I wash my hands, the water feels awesome. It was like wearing a second skin glove while my hands were wet. Drying them felt like peeling off mud. It was pretty fun.

In the lobby, D tells M we had some bonding time. We laugh about it and M (playfully, as she often does) punches me a few times.

T - Later

The rest of the night didn't have major events, so I'll just run through what we did.

For a while we just drove around deciding where to go. R was driving as M and D sat in the backseat together and I was still on drugs.

Next, we went to a mall. The mall shops were closed, so we just walked to the end of the halls and back. We had some nice conversations on the way. D and I are getting along surprisingly well, and R doesn't have any problems with him either.

Throughout the night, we continued to walk around the mall because M lost her wallet there. We got the wallet back right away because one of the employees found it and gave it to customer service. Then, we went back for me to buy balloons for a speech the next day.

It was during this period that I became amazed by soft objects. While in the car, I simply held the car seat running my hand up and down it. It felt amazing. I didn't ever feel like fooling around or having sex, though when I look back on it I think it would be amazing. I'll have to try it sometime. We all laughed and had a great time.

Whilst walking the halls of a deserted mall, my legs were melty and fun. They weren't weak at all. They just kind of felt like rock-solid Jell-O, if that makes any sense. This continued till we were on our way home.

The whole time, M was quite unmanageable. I revealed to D early on that she was on the 2C-I, and he exclaimed 'Oh! That's why she's acting so weird?!' Although M can be stubborn, and sometimes falls into a bit of a bad temper, she was more up and down tonight. Every once in a while she would walk down the isle and simply pulls things off and drop them. She didn't break anything, but R and D simply followed her around and picked up the objects and laughed. I was a little worried she'd get out of hand, so I would have to run and catch up with her. I would grab her and spin her around to stop her and she would burst out in hysterical laughter. Apparently it was quite entertaining to cause a line of chaos with a few guys cleaning it up directly behind you. Multiple times, she would throw small objects at D. Though she threw them quite hard, they were small and didn't hit anything vital.

I think if I would have been in a more private area (in a place where I had no fear of anyone knowing I'm messed up) I would have done more crazy things. I took a fair share of feeling soft objects but kept myself very contained. I simply enjoyed the sensations and went along with it.

When I got home I revealed to my brother that I was on it, and that it was totally worth the $15 hit. I picked up my (AMAZING) pillow and kept it with me. I still have it while writing this.

The next time I do this, I'm hoping to do it with B. She's my current romantic interest and I quite like her. I think a little fooling around would be simply amazing. She is pretty sure she doesn't want any drugs, but I think my experience may change her mind.

I can never see this drug going bad for me. Even scared, I thought everything was amazing. I'm for sure taking the full hit next time, and going to attempt to smoke some dope during the peak. This is easily my drug of choice, providing I have the time to experience it all. About 7 hours after taking it, I started this. I still enjoyed the feel of soft objects a lot. Now, an hour later, I've finished writing and the feel of my pillow is just a small source of pleasure.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 22, 2010Views: 4,301
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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