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I Want to Know How I Taste
Citation:   RaverChica. "I Want to Know How I Taste: An Experience with 2C-I (exp84244)". Mar 15, 2020.

  oral Vitamins / Supplements (daily)
    insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  1 capsl oral 2C-I (capsule)
This was my first experience with 2-ci, or any of the two-c’s. The night in question I was at a male friend’s house. I had recently split with a guy I had been dating for a while, but I was in a really good mood. I was ready for a night of fun and freedom. Whenever I try a new substance, I always try to be in the company of someone I trust and at someone’s home. I find that I can be more easily calmed down when there isn’t the threat of cops busting up a party or all the other unknowns of being out in public. Plus, who wants to have a public freak-out? Prior to dosing, I spent a nice day with the guy I was with (I’ll call him Dave). It was Dave’s house that we were at, which was a pretty nice place with all the usual trip-toys and trip-enhancers. He and his friend were trying to collect a drug for every letter of the alphabet, so he always seemed to have some pretty crazy things on hand. I had never heard of 2-ci before until he mentioned it to me. He had taken it once before, and as I mentioned previously, this was my first time.

I’m not new to drugs or tripping at all, so I was fairly confident that no matter what this drug had in store for me, I could handle. I hate listing the drugs I’ve taken because whenever I hear people’s “list” it always feels like they’re saying, ‘oh look at me, I’m so cool, I do a lot of drugs.’ So, I’ll just leave it at I’ve done NUMEROUS other drugs. At the time of taking the 2-ci I was taking daily vitamins.

Unfortunately Dave’s scale didn’t measure anything smaller than a gram, and he knew that dose was way too much, so he weighed out a gram and split it in what visually looked like half (50mg). Then he halved both of those piles to get 25mg each. I was a little worried about eyeing out a drug that seemed so potent in such a small quantity, but I trusted this guy I still decided to do it. We each snorted the piles he made for us and it burned like hell. I left maybe what was equivalent to no more than 5mg on the mirror because the burn caught me off guard and I decided not to do the rest at the moment. He informed me afterwards that it takes a long time for the burning to go away, and he wasn’t kidding. It hurt a lot. Since he had already tried 2-ci once before this, I asked him to explain to me what it was like. He was kind of vague on purpose because he didn’t want to influence my trip, but he said that he got a lot of visuals and it was a lot of fun. After a couple of minutes I got really nauseated, but I never really felt like I was really going to vomit. That passed fairly quickly. In anticipation of the upcoming trip, we picked out a DVD to watch of some rave that had really cool music and good visuals. I honestly don’t remember how long it took to start seeing changes, but I know it wasn’t long.

At first the visuals weren’t too crazy. I remember seeing colors differently and things kind of looked like they were vibrating. I also remember staring at his floor because it just looked really cool to me at the time. I think Dave got up to do some stuff on his computer for a minute, and I just stayed on the couch looking around the room and sometimes getting drawn in to all the pretty colors in the TV. I remember everything kind of looking like it was white-washed a little bit in addition to all of the colors.

Once Dave came back to the couch we started to talk about random things. Talking seemed really exciting and it seemed like everything I had to say and Dave had to say was of vital importance to pay attention to at the time. It was almost like if I didn’t listen I’d miss something that I’d be upset to not know later, even though the conversation was just small talk. I think it was about this time that we decided to each ingest some 2-ci in a gel cap.

I didn’t feel like getting up, so Dave went to prepare our gellies for us. He told me that he gave me about 10mg and he was taking about 15 because I already had a kind of high dose for a first timer. We swallowed the pills and that’s when things got crazy. I knew the gels hadn’t even had a chance to dissolve in my stomach yet, so I knew I was in for something intense. I wondered if I had done the right thing by taking more. I mentioned this to Dave and he assured me that I’d be fine.

Minutes after swallowing the gel cap my brain no longer felt like it was my own. In other words, I didn’t feel I was in control of my own thoughts anymore. I felt very detached from who I was. It was at this point that I seemed to regress into a state of child-like behavior and thinking. I got very silly and was almost talking in baby-talk, but not quite. Dave seemed quite amused by me, which in turn amused me. I got a little demanding as well, but in a cute way (at least that’s what he said), which seems to be a Hallmark behavior for me when I am on mind-altering drugs. I started to ask/demand things like water, blankets, a new DVD, etc. Dave happily obliged my every request. He seemed to be holding it together a lot more than me, but he revealed that he didn’t want to let his mind get too far gone in case I needed his help. That made me feel safe and comfortable to know. At this point I was seeing a lot of colors, trails, and everything still looked like it was vibrating. Dave had a big house plant in the corner of his kitchen that we both were really intrigued by as well. We both thought we could actually see it growing, which was pretty cool. I kept fixating on my mouth too, and was playing with my tongue in my mouth, was chewing on various things, and also felt kind of dehydrated. One of the things I stuck in my mouth was my fingers, which I think was what sparked my next behavior.

So as we were sitting there talking and watching DVDs and I was sticking things in my mouth, I got this great idea to see what I tasted like. I asked Dave if he knew what he tasted like and he asked what in the world was I talking about. I asked him my question again and he just laughed. I told him that I wanted to know what I tasted like (and no I wasn’t talking about anything sexual). He said something along the lines of ‘okay, so taste yourself.’ Little did he know that I didn’t mean I wanted to know what my skin tasted like, I wanted to know what I tasted like inside. In other words, I wanted to know what I would taste like if I were like a piece of chicken and someone were eating me. So, I bit down on my upper arm hard, hard enough to draw blood. Dave had gotten up or walked away for a second, so he didn’t see that I was literally trying to take a bit out of my own arm. I honestly don’t remember feeling any pain while I was doing this, but I was obviously biting hard because I broke skin and had bruises all over me the next day. I’m sure my subconscious was keeping me from really biting through my arm, and I was opening my mouth fully before biting, so it would have been pretty hard to take out a piece of my arm that big. Perhaps if I had tried biting a small area I would have bitten off a piece, who knows.

At this point Dave saw what I was doing and asked me what I was doing in a shocked voice. I told him that I was tasting myself! He said “Oh my God you’re bleeding, stop that.” Unfortunately the attention only seemed to make me want to bite myself harder because it was both funny and now I really had the thought in my head that I was going to get to see what I tasted like. Dave tried getting me to let go of my arm with my mouth, but I wouldn’t. He got scared, but kept his head. I think he did something like tickle me or I dunno, but I did take my mouth off of my arm. I wasn’t freaked out by the blood or the red teeth marks on my arm that were already turning from yellow/green to black and blue. He was worried I’d get an infection and thought I should clean up so he went to get me some napkins and water. In the meantime I remember watching the blood go down my arm in amazement. In my mind it was the most beautiful thing ever. It looked like a river flowing down my arm. He came back and helped me clean myself up, even though I didn’t really want to wipe off the blood. He somehow convinced me to do it. Dave told me not to bite myself anymore. I told him I still wanted to know what I tasted like though. He said that I probably don’t taste very good, which was not what I wanted to hear. In my 2-ci-influenced mind that was an insult. He tried to tell me that it wasn’t, but I wanted to prove to him that I’d taste good, so I went to bite down on my arm again. He saw what I was going to do and pulled my head away from my arm.

At this point he made the mistake of thinking that if he offered to let me know how he tasted I’d stop biting myself. I don’t know if it was because he was also in a messed up state of mind or if he was just so sweet that he didn’t want me to continue to hurt myself. I took him up on the offer. Although the thoughts in my head were that I was still going to bite myself afterwards, but if I did that he wouldn’t let me bite him too. I figured if I bit him and found out what he tasted like I could then bite myself and find out what I tasted like so I could compare and see if I really did taste good in comparison. So, he offered up his arm and onto his arm my teeth chomped. I think he was shocked, but it didn’t seem to hurt him, so I’m not sure if not sensing pain is part of 2-ci, but it seemed to be for us that night. I quickly let go of his arm because he’s a guy and had arm hair that wasn’t as appealing to my mouth as my soft girl skin. Dave let me know he was shocked I bit him, and I thought he was mad, so then I started to get even more freaked out. He assured me he wasn’t, but in my messed up state I used that to my advantage. I still wanted to know what I tasted like, but I knew he wouldn’t let me bite myself again. So, I said something along the lines of, ‘if you’re not mad at me then go get me something to eat.’ He walked over into the kitchen (which was fully open to the room we were in) and as soon as he turned around I bit myself. He came back and again got me to stop biting myself.

I could go on-and-on about how many times I bit myself on the arm that night, but I think everyone can get the point. At some point it stopped being me wanting to bite myself and it turned into a game of how can I bite myself and get away with it. This is not my usual behavior when I am sober, and I felt really badly that I put Dave through that this night. As the 2-ci started to wear off I started to get a little freaked out looking at my arm. I did quite the number on it. The thought of possibly having scarred myself for life popped into my head and that put me in a really bad state of mind. It was at this point we decided that we needed something else to make this night fun so we ended up dropping some ecstasy. Just knowing that I’d be on my old familiar fave of a drug soon made me feel better. We dropped the pills and went outside by his pool and laid down in a hammock together to look at the stars until the E kicked in. The visuals of looking at the stars were awesome. The clouds had this look of being a ceiling that was really close, but it wasn’t scary. It made the stars look even further away than usual though. I won’t go into the ecstasy experience because I really didn’t notice the 2-ci anymore once the E kicked in, and the E was your typical ecstasy experience.

The next day my arm looked like it had been through a meat grinder, but years later there are no scars fortunately. The hard part about it was trying to explain all of the teeth marks on my arm to people who aren’t the types I’d tell I do drugs. There didn’t seem to be any after effects the next day from the 2-ci, and I never get e-tarded so I was sleepy, but that was it. A friend came over to bring by some other stuff early the next morning and he asked about my arm, so I told him about the prior night. He asked for a small bump of the 2-ci and Dave obliged. The new guy had never done 2-ci before either and probably won’t ever again. He ended up throwing up within minutes and couldn’t stand the burning. He didn’t stay for long (he didn’t drive, his friend did), so I’m not too sure of how it went for him because I never asked in the future. I considered doing 2-ci again to give it another chance, but decided against it. For all I know next time I’ll want to know what it feels like to jump off a building, and I don’t want to take that chance.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 84244
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Mar 15, 2020Views: 777
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Guides / Sitters (39), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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