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Joyful Synergy
Citation:   MarcusHL. "Joyful Synergy: An Experience with 2C-B (exp84276)". Jun 1, 2010.

5 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  40 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash  
I had tried most of the psychedelic phenethylamines before I was able to get my hands on 2C-B, and my first two experiences with it were not extraordinary. Some pretty visuals and a giddy frame of mind, a few hours spent laughing and playing video games, or talking to friends, and then precipitous drop to baseline, complete with a nasty headache. I enjoyed it, but nothing to compare to my deeply personal and achingly beautiful experiences with high doses of 2C-I. I had much to learn.

Almost a year later, I was living with my friends Bailey and Bob, and had just started dating my ex-girlfriend Emily. From her friend we bought three doses of 2C-B, which were a massive 40mg each, about twice the dose of my last trip.

Emily took a little dash of powder from her capsule and put in on the mirror on my desk. 'Good call,' I tell her. She's barely 100 pounds, and 40mg is a bit much for her. Bailey joins us as Bob runs out the door, heading to work. The three of us get a glass of water and swallow the capsules.

Though I know the dangers of doing so, I mash the little pile of powder on the mirror, then shape it into a line and snort it. A sickening pain lances up my nose and I instantly regret my stupid decision. I frantically snort drops of warm water, anything to stop the burning. After about 10 minutes the burning fades, but even faster my vision has gotten brighter, almost expanding past its limits. Tendrils of light and colour shift in front of my eyes, and I hardly have time to think about them before my gut is wrenched with pain.

The visuals seem unimportant compared to the nausea. I run to the bathroom and vomit. I am on my knees, prostrate and gagging, but my mind is in a silent blackness that seems to swallow me whole. The darkness gives way to exploding, liquid waves of colour that warp and shift constantly, inwards for a time then twisting outwards. A basic truth seems to pop into my head; you have to be humbled to see the real beauty. Crouched on my floor with the taste of bile in my mouth, the Universe suddenly makes perfect sense. The perfect absurdity of that truth makes me start to giggle, then laugh like a child, holding nothing back.

After washing my mouth out, I walk from the bathroom to my room, giggling, kissing Emily before throwing myself on my bed, laughing more intensely every moment. I look at the ceiling, at the walls, at the shiny green drapes on the window, at my Dali painting ('Hallucinogenic Toreador'), and they are reborn, shedding rainbow light. Rivulets of liquid light flow from them.

Mushrooms has that funny effect of making the room look like its breathing, pushing in and out. But on 2C-B, the lines of the room warp and flow with beautiful, saturated bands of colour. Deep purples and pinks are everywhere, neon blues and greens as well. The colour and their delicate shine seem to touch something deep in me, and I am so touched and ecstatic that almost I want to cry. I've been on my bed for about 30 minutes, so I stumble out to meet Emily in the kitchen. We fall into each others arms giggling, as Bailey starts crawling into the kitchen on his hands and knees. This makes us laugh even harder; Bailey looks just like a mountain-climber making a steep ascent, grasping with white knuckles, elbows out. The juxtaposition is hysterical, and we laugh so hard we're gasping as Bailey crouches on his feet, then falls backwards into the wall. In fact he falls UP the wall, looking like someone in zero-gravity, a goofy smile on his face.

We put on some progressive breaks music, the ethereal sounds and haunting, beautiful female vocals mixing perfectly with my high. Emily and I are dancing, Bailey is juggling four balls at once and the mood is simply blissful. I heat up the butter knives in the stove-burner and we enthusiastic smoke hash-blades. The weed makes the room even brighter, the colours deeper and my mood even better. I throw myself into the trip, the warmth of the visuals, the effusive love for everything around me. Even on MDMA/MDA I haven't come close to such absolute joy. Ecstasy is wonderful, but it almost always gives me a feeling of almost desperate longing and loss mixed in with the happiness. Not so with 2C-B. I feel fulfilled, and the joy has a wholesome, permanent edge to it even as I feel the high rapidly fading.

That memory has remained unchanged even as I write this, almost a year and half after the fact. 2C-B touched me in a way that few drugs have, and unlike Ecstasy which I see now is just one big tease, 2C-B is like a great friend; it gives generously without asking much in return. A word that occurred to me during the trip was 'synergy'. 2C-B is not only synergetic with phenethylamines and other drugs like cannabis, its synergetic with positive emotions, with happiness, with music, with life. It's the reason most people do psychedelics. 2C-B, in my mind, represents the fact that beauty is simple, free, and often literally flowing from everything around us.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 84276
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 1, 2010Views: 8,553
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2C-B (52) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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