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Urine Temperature
Drug Testing
by Rl
Citation:   Rl. "Urine Temperature: An Experience with Drug Testing (exp84513)". Apr 1, 2010.

Just left a urine sample (at LabCorp) in the N. Va. area. I used a regular plastic vitamin bottle (little over 2 oz., but only needed 2 oz.) cause after looking all over I couldn't find a flatter one. I also took a thermometer and the bigger filled up bottle my friend gave me. Near the office, I got some hot water from McDonalds and in the car I filled the vitamin bottle to the top, measured it at 108 the first time, so I poured a little out and used more from the bigger bottle. Got it to 100 degrees. Since it was leaking I put a piece of tape over the top to act as a seal, screwed on the cap, then just put it under the family jewels, no tape, used 2 pair of underwear for warmth and added support so the bottle didn't fall out. Was in the waiting room for about 10 minutes and then did the deed. The cup didn't even have a temperature strip. I think she just felt it, and on the the form she gave me it reads 'Is temperature between 90 and 100? Yes'. All this for a door to door sales job. God help us.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84513
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 1, 2010Views: 7,600
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Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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