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Mild Pain Reliever?
Citation:   Nathan Arov. "Mild Pain Reliever?: An Experience with Catnip (exp84527)". Jun 25, 2018.

2 tsp smoked Catnip
Having previously smoked catnip (with no noticeable effects), I decided to see if my headache I got from staring at a computer screen for an entire day would go away after some nip. I loaded up a makeshift bong with about 2 teaspoons of packed catnip and smoked it . While smoking, I forgot about the ache and by the time I realized it was gone, I was pleasantly surprised. Other than relieving mild pain, I've never experienced anything after consuming catnip.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84527
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 25, 2018Views: 851
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Catnip (68) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1)

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