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... Meh
Citation:   Onkmey. "... Meh: An Experience with Methylone (exp84732)". Apr 14, 2010.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine  
  T+ 24:00 125 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
This isn't going to be a detailed report of my first jump with the substance, but rather a short summary, as I didn't find the experience to be too memorable or really worth too much mention.

Dose : 125mg dissolved in cranberry juice

The taste was kind of putrid, but manageable and thankfully it had no aftertaste.

The comeup seemed kind of familiar- the elevated hear rate, the anxiety, the slowly shifting perceptions of reality etc... though it was never overpowering or troubling.

The high itself was pretty relaxed, like a low dose of poppy tea. I sensed no real tactile or auditory enhancements. Just in an altered and relaxed headspace. Mouth was dry throughout and was very bored for the duration, though there never came a time when I wished it would just go away.

It seems like a pleasant way to spend an evening indoors if I just want to be at peace and relax, but I don't see any other uses for it, and at its price, I may as well just smoke some cannabis.

Overall I give it a 4/10. Will try a higher dose in the future.

It also should be be noted that I had dosed 15mg of Mirtazapine the night before to go to sleep and was still experiencing the sluggish hangover that comes with it.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84732
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2010Views: 7,675
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Methylone (255) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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