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Gas, Snakes And A Motor Vehicle To Boot!
Inhalants (Gasoline)
Citation:   Really. "Gas, Snakes And A Motor Vehicle To Boot!: An Experience with Inhalants (Gasoline) (exp8474)". Jul 28, 2004.

1 inhaled Inhalants (gas)
[Erowid Note: Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe recreational use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants : their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. We have chosen to include these reports to help document the real world use of inhalants, but their inclusion is not intended to imply that they are anything but dangerous.]

When I was 13 me and my best friend at the time, Cody (who was the same age), were desperately bored sitting on his front lawn trying to think of something to do. Neither of us had even looked into drugs much less did them, not a drink, not a smoke, not a huff, not a trip, nothing. So we decided that seeing as how we were bored we should use this opportunity to try a drug, any drug, anything, so after rummaging through his parents house (who were known to possess marijuana often) and finding nothing, we decided to make our way to his father's tool shed seeing as how we'd been told that gas and paint make for great drug substitutes and don't harm you at all.

Well, it goes without saying that not only were we extremely naive but we were also apparently extremely idiotic/ignorant and mindless. So anyhow, not knowing at the time exactly what it would do to us, we both jumped at the opportunity to find out, so we got down on hands and knees and began sniffing from this little red gas can. The smell was horrible, but instantly we began to see things and hear things. One of the first things I noticed was Cody, after huffing the gas, he stood up and burst into flames, he then proceeded to do back flips across his yard in an attempt to flee from the growing flames, now at the time, the things that were happening (spontaneous human combustion), in some weird way, seemed absolutely logical, after all I didn't even know what a hallucination was back then, so I did the logical thing when I saw Cody burst into flames, I ran and tackled him, attempting to dispose of the flames by rolling him around on the ground, it was only after the fact that I would find out that he in fact wasn't on fire and he was merely walking toward his house. Now, to me, this seemed weird because it seemed as if what I was experiencing was 100% real, at the time, but that was only the beginning.

We then decided that since the gas wasn't working (yes we actually thought it wasn't affecting us) we would take a ride on his ATV (a motorcycle with four wheels). For the first few minutes everything was fine and dandy, we were okay for about 3 seconds after we left his driveway, and then suddenly we were rounding a curb, that's all I remember, and I thought a snake flew out of my helmet, so naturally I yell 'OH MY GOD IT'S A FUCKING SNAKE!!!!' and so he slams on the breaks, skids about 10 feet and we both get thrown over this big grass hill through briars and all, but as he pointed out a few minutes later, 'it's okay, the ATV wasn't damaged' so we were both relieved, covered head to toe in blood and fresh wounds, but as long as the ATV was alright, so were we. So we rode back home, smiling, relieved covered in dried blood and dirt, still shaking, not even noticing the severe wounds that would later entitle us both to several sets of stitches. needless to say when we got home, our parents were pretty angry. We told them the story of the snake but they just wouldn't buy it. The snake, by the way, was merely a big brown log that was laying on the side of the road. So kids, to sum up, DON'T USE INHALANTS. So much can go wrong in so little time.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 8474
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 28, 2004Views: 18,270
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Inhalants (29) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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