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Not Fun; Spent the Day Lying in Bed
Citation:   wizard of az. "Not Fun; Spent the Day Lying in Bed: An Experience with 2C-P (exp84868)". Apr 15, 2010.

6 mg oral 2C-P (powder / crystals)
  350 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol  
  12.5 mg oral Pharms - Doxylamine  
Dose: ~6mg (oral aqueous)
Time: 12:30

[written at t=0 (12:30)] I dissolved 100mg into 125grams of water at room temperature. 90 minutes later, it still hasn’t really dissolved, but rather formed a suspension. It’s kind of annoying. I think it will dissolve eventually. I am a little worried about the accuracy of my dosage. The water I used was not distilled, but rather tap water (drinking fountain) that I let sit exposed for 3 days to get rid of dissolved chlorine. I hope it worked.

Just ingested it – 7.5mL of water containing 6mg 2C-P (1mg per quarter teaspoon). Taste lasted for under 5 seconds. It was somehow reminiscent of wasabi. I didn’t get much sleep last night, maybe 4.5-5 hours. I hope this doesn’t affect the experience too heavily. I avoided my usual morning Adderall, caffeine (coffee), and citicoline. With the caffeine and citicoline, I was not worried about interaction, but rather I wanted to avoid the laxative/gastroprokinetic effects I experience with these drugs. I have been off mirtazapine for 5.5 days. I took melatonin last night and, of course, smoked cannabis. Haven’t smoked weed (yet) today.

This was my first phenethylamine. I would liked to have started with a perhaps gentler or more mild 2C.

[t=.25h] I feel different. Relaxed but excited. Bit of a headache.

[t=1.5h] I feel sick. GI upset (mild). Nausea (was extreme for a few moments).

[The following was written the next day, before 3:00pm] The GI upset and nausea went away (mostly) for the next ten hours. Next day there was mild diarrhea. I got the “body kinks” people speak of. This seems vasoconstrictive. This, along with a report of sinus clearing (see Pihkal) suggests an adrenergic component. I worry about potential cardiovascular damage.

The experience was not fun. It was far from pleasant. I experienced no severe emotional distress while on the drug. However, around the 9th hour, I started getting bummed out about the duration. I just wanted to sleep. I was exhausted. This drug is physically and psychologically very draining. Regardless, I see incredible therapeutic potential in this drug. Even at my low dose (6 mg), I realized how intense and unforgiving 2C-P could be.

I spent the day lying on my bed. There was none of the stimulation people have spoken of. My body hurt, and movement was very uncomfortable. Fortunately, I saw little reason to move for most of the next eight hours. In fact, I felt rather tired. The sound distortion was pretty intense. It would mix somehow with my somatosensory awareness (skin was more sensitive, and objects felt very different; heavier and rougher), causing the perceived shape of my body to become distorted. Occasionally, there was considerable hilarity.

That night, I used 350mg carisoprodol (sedating muscle relaxant) and 12.5mg doxylamine (pretty much like Benadryl). I feel like this may have helped immensely with the physical pain and insomnia. I suffer from chronic insomnia, so I was pretty concerned about not being able to sleep.

The next day, even after eleven hours of spotty sleep, I feel drained, emotionally and cognitively.

I am also thinking in some psychedelic thought patterns. I feel pretty empathetic, and I don’t think I can be angry, arise such a cause. This reassures me about 2C-P, and I will try it again at some point, despite many unpleasant aspects of this drug. In the meantime, I hope to get more enjoyable effects from 2C-I and 2C-C.

[The following is written around 5:00pm the day after ingestion] Or at least, I did, until I smoked a little weed. Then I felt great. Colors were vibrant, and the world around me was beautiful and fascinating, visually. It was in fact, a very nice, sunny, bright day. I was finally able to eat comfortably. My short term memory is completely shot though. Next time I ingest a psychedelic, I will try smoking weed with it. I have been reluctant to do this so far due to worries of extending the experience too long.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 15, 2010Views: 14,452
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2C-P (305) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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