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So Beautiful, So New, So Hard to Remember
Salvia divinorum (80x extract), Cannabis & Alprazolam
by Burg
Citation:   Burg. "So Beautiful, So New, So Hard to Remember: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (80x extract), Cannabis & Alprazolam (exp85147)". Nov 23, 2022.

4 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  Several bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Previous substances experienced: Cannabis (daily), Alcohol, Nicotine(daily), every common benzodiazipine, Amphetamines, DXM, 2C-P, Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, alongside other various pharmaceuticals & OTC's.

(7:00pm) 0.00: A good friend of mine, who'll be referred to as Jay, my girlfriend, who we'll call Em, and myself had the bright idea one January evening to visit the nearest legitimate head shop, which happened to be 2 hours across state lines. Jay and I had very shortly beforehand ingested 2 purple xanax XR's, each. We were all ignorant to the winter storm warning that was freshly taking place.

1:00: The storm had picked up, and snow began heavily coming down, delaying our arrival time. We had an hour and a half to get there and browse before the shops closed, but weren't stressed, thanks to the xanax. At one point we nearly fishtailed off of the interstate, going only 55 mph. In retrospect, this probably wasn't the best idea.

2.10: With only twenty minutes left, we frantically flew through 3 shops, picking up 2 slidepieces before stumbling across some salvia. It was 40$ for a 1.1 g. The front was labeled 'NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION', but on the back were dosing suggestions. On the ride home, I suggested letting Em drive, and Jay and I sit in the back, and both have our first salvia trip going down the interstate. Em refused, not being sure of what would happen,and generally inexperienced with any psychedelic etc. So, we waited.

4:45: Upon arrival, I was dead tired from the xanax, and ready for sleep, but followed through with the trip. Jay put Blood, Sweat, & Tears 'When I Die' playing on his laptop, which was in his lap, while he took the first, fatly-packed bong rip, and handed me the bong. His eyes quickly lit-up as he jumped up, sending the computer directly into my lap. I nervously snatched the tray of salvia nearby him, and observed the most bizarre behavior I'd ever witnessed from Jay. He was a naturally quiet person, but he was spouting half-questions frantically, such as 'What? Where was the...? How'd I do...? etc...' At one point, he blurted something about standing up, and immediately fell on his ass. I was slightly worried after 5 minutes had passed, and he still wasn't coherent. That is when I noticed the 80X strength labeling, and began second-guessing whether I was ready or not.

5.00: Jay was finally in his right mind, sort-of, and Em was uncomfortable around trippers, so she went upstairs, and I cleared my throat for my first rip. The smoke was unpleasant, but not unbearable, and left an odd feeling in my throat that lasted until the next morning. I waited, and waited, finally exhaled after a little over 60 seconds. I felt a buzzing 'thud' sound, that grew louder, and louder until I blacked out. According to Jay, and Em(who'd come down to witness my reaction) I was sitting on the floor, rolling my head around, mumbling 'demonic-sounding' nonsense, and made ridiculous faces. Em retreated upstairs, and has since disapproved of the plant. I came to, only to find Jay staring at me, with a seemingly condescending smirk. I tried to speak, but realized I knew nothing. Who was this asshole staring me down? Who was I?

I looked at my crossed legs on the floor, and witnessed impossible-shaped, geometrical shapes of the brightest colors 'sprouting' out of between them. I felt as if every cell of my body that came into any physical contact with anything around me was being moved forward by a conveyor belt.
I looked at my crossed legs on the floor, and witnessed impossible-shaped, geometrical shapes of the brightest colors 'sprouting' out of between them. I felt as if every cell of my body that came into any physical contact with anything around me was being moved forward by a conveyor belt.
I moved through invisible, cut-out shapes resembling what would be my silhouette. I would move through these openings, and feel like I was stuck between two infinite walls of plywood, witnessing some of the most bizarre, yet beautiful things my mind has created. The room would 'crack', and form odd shapes, which would form small, blurry creatures that shifted into other beings, all the while I was feeling like I was spinning in a strange, spontaneous orbit around this novel, colorful world of the unknown. The rest of the hallucinations are fuzzy, and nearly-indescribable.

The next hour following sobriety between both of us was spent smoking several bowls of bud, and giggling like first-time potsmokers. I'd never felt so high off of cannabis, and wonder if it was due to the salvia, or xanax. Maybe both?

CONCLUSION: The xanax seemed to diminish some memories of the experience, and I intend to try it again with a clear mind. From what I remember, Salvia slightly reminds me of a very intense mushroom peak, visually, but with tactile hallucinations dominating the trip. The previously mentioned blackout was likely due to the xanax, considering I've committed some serious mess-ups socially, and had no recollection of anything due to the drug's memory-crushing properties.
Good luck, and happy tripping!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 23, 2022Views: 631
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cannabis (1), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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