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White Noise
Citation:   Calyx. "White Noise: An Experience with Cannabis (exp85673)". Dec 6, 2013.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
Before I begin I'd like to state that I had rarely used Marijuana prior to this experience. Never more than a bowl at a time with some friends. In the days leading up to my 'trip', I had acquired a fair amount of Cannabis (more than the usual, over 12 grams), occasionally smoking a bowl with three or more friends.

Preparation: The day before, I had decided that I wanted to smoke the next day, so I got out my bag while my mom was out of the house, and began to crush up a couple of buds for a spliff. When I finished crushing up the large bud I figured I had enough for a little over 2 medium sized joints. For some reason I decided to combine two rolling papers so that I could fit all of the MJ into one big spliff, and once I had filled the papers with the weed there was still room left for more if I wanted. Well, I wanted, and so I started breaking up a smaller nug of weed from a different sack I got from another seller, which I considered to be pretty 'dank'. So after rolling this mammoth of a joint (at least 2.5 grams), which was rather difficult, I put it in a snack bag in my backpack for the next day.

The next day at school I was expecting to smoke this huge J between me and one other friend (A) (habitual smoker), so during lunch we met up and were going to go get lunch before we smoked so we could eat while we were baked. Just as we were heading out she asked one of her friends (B) who I didn't know very well at the time, if she wanted to smoke. And one of my friends (C) showed up from a different school at the same time, as he was going to join friend A and I at lunch. So after we all got back from getting our food we walked over to this L shaped hallway by the school to smoke The Spliff. I was slightly nervous as the location was fairly visible from the road where the cops drive by regularly.

T+0:00: I lit up right at 12:10 and took the biggest hit of the day right off the bat. About halfway through our session friends A and B were passing every other hit, so it was me and Friend C who were getting most of the green. On top of that I was the only one who didn't smoke just about every day, and the only one taking really big hits. It took us about 10 minutes to get to the roach, and when we finished we walked back to the school and sat down on a bench to eat lunch.

T+0:10: I was most of the way done with my food when it started coming on fast and hard. It hit me when I was chewing my food, I had forgotten that I was eating, or that I was even alive. For about a minute at least I was a stationary observer in this picturesque landscape of glowing haze and hopping rabbits and general euphoria. I snapped back into where I really was and instantly became very confused, as I thought where I just was, was the 'real world' and that the real world was the imaginary one. Once my brain came into gear enough to realize what was actually happening another wave of completely different 'effects' came crashing down on me. I continued to chew the same mouthful of food that I had taken on a few minutes earlier, only it felt like I was chewing some kind of heavenly dish reserved for the gods.

T+0:18: Lunch was just about over and my friends were finishing eating and talking about things, I could hear everything that was happening as if I had heard it a million times before. I asked friend C what was happening, and if he could see what I was seeing and he just laughed. Then one my friends who didn't smoke with us smiled at me and said 'It's okay man, you're just really high.' I looked at her weird and then remembered that I had smoked, and I kept thinking 'I didn't even smoke that much', or 'This isn't supposed to happen'. My vision was trailed, every time I would focus on a new object or turn my head, the whole frame would shift, like watching a movie in slow motion but it skips certain frames. My body felt like it was vibrating, and my normal state of mind was completely destroyed at that point. I turned to a state of acceptance where it seemed like information about life and death and beyond was being pushed down a funnel into my mind. I remember thinking that it wouldn't matter if I walked out into traffic and got hit by a car, because what I was being shown was that we have no choices, that our lives have already been played out from beginning to end.

It's too confusing to put the rest of the information into intelligible words, but what I 'understood' has changed the way I think about everything. There is no positive or negative, because neither can exist without each other. Everything we perceive, exists within created limits, and the only true life exists outside of all the bondage that we accept as everyday life. There are people and beings that want you to stay enslaved in this physical and spiritual prison they've created. And more than anything I want to know why, I believe if we understand that, then everything else will be revealed. Instead of breaking through the one way mirrors, we can just go to the end and see straight through them all.

T+0:25: Me and friend C leave the school and I walk with him back to his school. When we get there I turn back and start walking to my school, the whole time my body and mind are somewhat exhausted from the intense experience, but still beyond high.

T+1:00: School is extremely boring. Still feel very high.

T+2:15: School is out and I'm headed home. Still high.

T+3:00: I'm home and starting to come down from the way out of the box thinking, and now mostly want to take a nap. I feel stoned. I 'pass out' on my bed.

T+6:50: I wake up and feel real groggy and everything is hazy. I had a very lucid dream, though I can't recall now what it was about. It's dark outside and nobody is home, which adds to the grogginess. I decide to take a cool shower.

T+8:20: The shower was really refreshing and wiped away the groggy feeling, now I'm mostly relaxed and get on the computer to read about some of the things I was shown earlier in the day.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 85673
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Dec 6, 2013Views: 5,488
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), School (35)

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