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Small Sublingual Doses Work Best
Citation:   Girlygrrl. "Small Sublingual Doses Work Best: An Experience with 2C-E (exp85693)". Erowid.org. Sep 28, 2010. erowid.org/exp/85693

5 mg sublingual 2C-E (powder / crystals)
The first time I experienced 2c-e was taking ~20mg orally. It took at least two hours to kick in, but the rush was fairly immediate once it did.

I had a roller-coaster trip, for the first two hours I was puking my guts out, and felt severe nausea. The entire trip had a heavy body load where I felt like I had a flu or something. Not having any other experience with psychedelics besides shrooms and salvia, it seemed a lot like a shroom trip at first, but as time went on it was clear this was a different kind of trip than a shroom trip.

Once the puking wore off I did have several hours of positive experience, notably when I was texting my friend for a couple hours, as talking to him really helped, and the visuals and synthensia were very enjoyable, moving my phone around in the dark really was fun, and the reflection from the screen caused my hair to glow and look all whispy like it was made out of beams of light. Music was too weird for me to listen to, so I gave up on it, but that was more neutral than negative.

The body load however was just too high for me so I'd say it was about 40% a positive experience and 60% was somewhat negative. Now overall, my headspace was pretty positive, I have had a bad trip on shrooms so I was talking myself through the body load. But it was hard to enjoy the experience during the stages when I was feeling the most sick sick. I remember thinking to myself over and over again that this was the strongest trip of my life, and I was very surprised that 20mg would give me such an ass kicking.

My sense of time was off so my best guess is around T+4 or T+5 I decided to take a long bubble bath. This not only got rid of the vasoconstriction, but was incredibly enjoyable, it seemed to negate the body load at least for the time I was in the bath, which seemed like hours but was probably around 20 mins because I got out as soon as the water wasn't warm anymore.

Probably around T+7 or so I was really restless. I kept going from room to room in a bit of a frenzy, being unable to get comfortable. For awhile visuals and headspace felt very salvia-ish in nature. I decided to hit some salvia leaf and it seemed to not really do anything to change the trip. But about 30-60 mins later, I was laying down closing my eyes. CEV's weren't too exciting really, sort of similar to wearing light goggles. However I went into a state of psychosis that was actually pretty interesting for a good hour or two. I had dozens of voices that seemed like people from various TV shows telling me stuff, and it was generally positive/uplifting things, it reminded me a lot of the scene in Minority Report where the guy was being congratulated by holographic peers. Except it wasn't visual, all mental. I attribute the TV voices talking to me in part to listening to meditation audios during the pukey stage of the trip, the audios were empowering first person statements being repeated over soft music - I think listening to those audios also really helped salvage the trip.

After that I had multiple personalities. This was pretty fun too, one personality would hold very long intellectual conversations with another personality, and sometimes two conversations were going on at once.

T+9 or so, the headspace got all weird. I got stuck in a major OCD loop where nonsense words were repeating over and over and over again. It is some sort of actual OCD psychosis I have, because I have hit that same place before on salvia, and when I comboed salvia and ketamine I tried to figure out how to repair it. But on 2c-e it was overwhelming and annoying. I felt like I had some mental vault where I'd locked in supressed memories, and that a certain combination of nonsense words were required to open the vault, so my brain kept trying to crack the combination so I could work on the supressed memories. I kept thinking to myself that I had created the vault on some other strong trip and had forgotten about it on purpose, and that it was not the drug I was supposed to use to unlock it, so it couldn't be opened, but my brain refused to stop trying to solve the puzzle.

This got very annoying and was probably the second least enjoyable part of the trip, next to the puking stage. I was very surprised that I was still at +++ nine hours in. At this point in time I heavily regretted not having any downers to take, like benzos or even OTC sleeping pills. I spent probably 30 mins of this time searching for something to take to wean off the trip because the nonsense words got very irritating, and I was far too anxious to sleep, not for lack of trying. I also kept thinking to myself that 'I took way too much' over and over again, along with 'this is a complete mind-f*** and the strongest trip ever'.

T+11 it dropped down to a ++ and I was still far too wired to sleep. Still was having moderate visuals but the OCDness was much less annoying. I started posting on various drug forums aspects of my experience, mostly along the lines of 'holy s*** 2c-e is strong'. My eyes could focus enough to read, but barely, so it was hard to really write up any kind of coherent report.

T+13 it finally dropped down to a +, the visuals were mere haloes and while I was still wired, the nonsense words weren't around anymore and I was far too wired to attempt sleep. At this point the sun was out and I went and stood outside for awhile to soak up the rays, it was an enjoyable feeling.

I stayed at a + for the rest of the day, had to force myself to eat a couple small meals because I had no appetite but knew I needed to eat. I watched TV. My headspace was fantastic, I had a lot of self-awareness and the depression I'd been experiencing for months had vanished. At the + level it was very therapeutic, not as good as molly but I felt a good afterglow. I realized this drug had a lot of potential and that I had made several mistakes which made it much less enjoyable, namely: not having any downers, taking late in the evening vs. early afternoon, taking too large of a dose, and not being prepared for the long trip duration.

After a full night's sleep I felt just fine, and had a residual anti-depressant effect for 3 or 4 days that put me in a noticeably positive mood.

Second trip was a couple weeks later and rather unplanned, but I had obtained some more from a different vendor and simply wanted to do an allergy test. I took about 500ug sublingually (probably more but that was what I was shooting for). After about 90 minutes I had recognizable body load, but absolutely no visuals and my headspace was basically sober. Didn't think much of it and went to bed, sleeping around six hours, and remembering my dreams being a bit more intense than usual.

When I woke up I was really irritated that I still had body load but nothing useful to where I wanted to even call it a +. I just felt hung over. Since it seemed to not be wearing off at all I decided to try taking 5mg sublingually, because if I'm going to deal with body load anyway I wanted to get something out of it.

I measured out 20mg and then split the pile into quarters. I took the 5mg pile and split that into two 2.5mg. I licked my finger and picked up a bit of one pile and rubbed it under my tongue. The taste was negligible. I did that a couple times til I'd absorbed all of the half pile. I waited 30 mins and did the same thing with the other half pile.

T+90m it started kicking in, I felt almost equivalent body load to doing 450mg of DXM, which I was fine with. I did have nausea to the point that I had no desire whatsoever to eat, but not to the point where I felt at all like puking. I was at ++ and was really enjoying listening to music.

T+2 the second bump had kicked in and I was +++. On the first trip the visuals were overwhelming to where it wasn't really 'fun' exactly, like doing too many shrooms, but the visuals on this second trip were much more interesting, if not at all overwhelming.

I had excellent tracers, so I waved my cellphone around and it was really fun. I loaded up milkdrop (a visualization plugin for producing psychedelic images dancing to music) and just chilled out listening to various electronica. The music was extremely pleasant and while the visuals were not particularly strong they were quite fun.

I was super tired, probably drained from my allergy test dose the night before, and it had just gotten dark outside so I decided to lay down. I found it easy to fall asleep. When I did fall asleep I had very intense lucid dreams. Think Alice in Wonderland intense, but not so coherent as far as any kind of story or plot. Everything was extremely solid, tactile, and multi-sensory. I could touch things and they were real, what I saw was very solid, and my sense of smell was strong as well.

Unfortunately these being dreams my recall is not quite so good on what I experienced specifically, but it felt just as real and multi-perceptual as daily life, whereas dreams typically are very fuzzy and emotionally-driven normally, and not very sensory in nature. I woke up a couple times and saw some crazy stuff, mostly walking around the house my shadows seemed like entities, and I saw some sort of creatures walking around the walls and stuff. Nothing scary.

But I was still exhausted and went back to sleep. When I did finally wake up in the morning my headspace was very clean and theraputic, I meditated to soft music with my eyes closed and thought about various life issues and how to solve them. Still not as therapeutic as molly but a very close second, I was impressed by how easy it was to face frustrating life problems and deal with them in a new perspective.

At some point I fell back asleep and had some more weird dreams, a bit less tactile than before. Since I hadn't really planned on tripping the phone rang. My friend called and was wanting me to look stuff up online for him. I realized that my eyes were broken so I had to call him back. I blame being woken up mid-dream. I was completely unable to read any kind of text for about 60 minutes and it took me a good 90 minutes to where my eyes could focus normally. This freaked me out a little but I was overall feeling positive antidepressant effects of an afterglow, so I wasn't worried so much about it and just worked on focusing my eyes and eventually my sight was back to normal. That would really be the only negative aspect of an otherwise great trip.

The rest of the day I had a wonderful afterglow, although I still was exhausted and took a two hour nap in the afternoon.

I have to say this is a very promising and powerful drug. Sublingual is definitely the way to go because orally this drug causes major stomach upset, and the drug itself causes nausea, which combined are definite triggers for vomiting. And I've read far too many trip reports about nasal being extremely unpleasant of a burn.

For future trips I will take more, probably 8-12mg and do it when I am very well-rested. Sublingually the body load is a lot like a DXM trip, and while still a general sense of malaise/nausea it is not the kind of overpowering sickness that ruins a trip. Body load for <1mg vs. 5mg was pretty much equivalent, so I'm thinking 10mg won't have much more body load although it may have more stimulant effect.

If you're taking it for the first time I'd say to set aside two full days of uninterrupted time, and I'd start by taking 2.5mg sublingual in the morning. Once it's kicked in I'd take another 2.5mg sublingual every 60 min or so til I hit the +'s I want for the trip. I'll also be sure to have sleeping pills or benzos on hand for when I want to sleep that night, and give myself a full day of recovery, and then I can have a full experience and probably avoid any of the negatives.

Also, I definitely recommend a sitter, if you don't have one at least have someone to text or talk to on the phone as a bit of human contact can quickly turn a bad trip into a happy one if the person you talk to is someone you generally have positive vibes with.

And if you don't have an accurate scale, research an alternate method to get an accurate dose, as just eyeballing it is a good way to overdose and that is a fast path to a really bad trip, so start small.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85693
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 28, 2010Views: 8,793
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2C-E (137) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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