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Cocaine My Devil and My Angel
by Todd
Citation:   Todd. "Cocaine My Devil and My Angel: An Experience with Cocaine (exp8577)". May 21, 2004.

  insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
Hmm I don't know where or how to begin my story. I guess I could start with the first time I ever tried cocaine.

The start of high school was a rough time for me. My mother had passed away the previous year and my father was on his death bed now. I had always hung out with people that were much older then me and much more experienced then me with drugs. Drugs were always around in the neighbourhood that I lived in, whatever you wanted could be gotten. At least that was the way it seemed with my friends.

The first time I tried coke, me and a cousin of my mothers boyfriend were hanging out near the boardwalk. He had just gotten a half ounce of raw cocaine it was nothing like the shit you get nowadays. He pulled the bag out and asked if I wanted to try some, now I had never said no to anything in my life and decided to go ahead and see what it was like. The second it had hit me, it was an incredible rush nothing like I had ever felt before in my life. That day I only tried it once more and then that was it for a few years.

The next time I had the chance to purchase some coke I was working at a Dunkin Donuts in a lower income area in NJ. Most of the people I worked with unbeknownst to me were coke heads. These were people who were doing 8balls every single night while at work to stay awake. Now imagine working at a Dunkin Donuts and having cops come in all night. You want to talk about paranoia! At first I wasn't interested in doing coke. I was fine being sober and drinking coffee to stay awake at night. That was all about to change pretty soon though. Chris who was one of the night bakers at the store was a big coke head. He got some really good uncut shit that came straight from colombia. I guess being colombian is a big bonus if your a coke head. You make some really good connections.

Anytime we needed coke it was delivered to work. My habit really started to develop while working at Dunkin Donuts. It was too the point where I needed the drug to live. I wasn't eating or sleeping just doing lines and lines of coke. At some points I would not be able to work without at least snorting a gram up each nostril. I would have cops coming in at all hours of the night for coffee trying to talk to me. As you know coke is good at numbing your throat so one night after railing 2 grams with my throat completely numb a cop decides to walk in at two in the morning and start talking to me. I was completely paranoid thought I was going to wind up in handcuffs. Luckily for me he had to run out on a call.

For about a year or so my days continued on like this. Finally after the store was closed down my habit stopped. So now a few years later it's starting back up again. Not as bad as before I won't let that happen. I started using it again about a week ago. I guess this is one monkey that I will never get off my back, but as long as I control it I shouldn't have any problems.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 8577
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 21, 2004Views: 10,732
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Cocaine (13) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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