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Five of Us Polished Off a Half Pound
Kava & Cannabis
Citation:   Mr. Spliff. "Five of Us Polished Off a Half Pound: An Experience with Kava & Cannabis (exp85892)". Jun 2, 2020.

  oral Kava (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
Kava ... My First Experience

The other day my mate got half a pound of Kava root. We used an ounce (and .5 ounce soy lecithin) to a pint of water per person, and after blending (5 min) and sitting (30 min), filtered it in a muslin bag and enjoyed it, with a bit of coconut milk (optional) and sugar. The taste is not amazing, kinda like mucky water, but drinkable. Interestingly it numbs the mouth when drinking it, but this sensation faded after 15 min, it numbs the stomach too, I can imagine this might make some people feel a little ill. It sets in after about 30 minutes.

5 of us polished off a half pound of the stuff over a period of 10 hours, in 2 sittings about 5 hours apart, overall everyone felt it very pleasurable, a bit like valium as it is very sedating and good for unwinding, but unlike valium it didn't vegetate us or kill the conversation, we were pretty happy to chat, tell stories and hang out like usual, just very relaxed and at ease. It's conducive to a great sleep too.

It doesn't really cloud my mind (did a few brain teasers and felt pretty clear) it just makes me very relaxed and comfortable in my surroundings, a good example is when I ordered pizza, I decided what I wanted pretty sharpish but took a good 30 min to place the call as I was just so relaxed on the couch.

It has a mad sensation when I have a few spliff with it, the Kava is very relaxing but the weed adds a bit of the usual edginess and paranoia. My mates were having some booze with it and said it acts differently with booze as well.

The next day I felt pretty clear after a very solid sleep and wasn't hungover or hazy, any haziness I attribute to the spliffs I smoked.

I've read a bit about all the high concentrate versions in pills and caps, to be honest they seem a bit more intense and doing what happens to all drugs, making them stronger an more potent, to be honest the powdered root is just fine with me.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85892
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 2, 2020Views: 862
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