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There is No Heart Without You
LSD, 2C-P & Alcohol (Beer)
Citation:   kodou. "There is No Heart Without You: An Experience with LSD, 2C-P & Alcohol (Beer) (exp85902)". Sep 22, 2010.

T+ 0:00
10 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:15   repeated   Alcohol  
  T+ 4:15 20 mg oral 2C-P (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:45 5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 7:15 5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 7:45 15 mg insufflated 2C-P (powder / crystals)
12:45 PM - 10 blotter hits LSD (Sublingual)
5:00 PM - 20 mg 2C-P (Oral)
6:30 PM - 5 blotter hits LSD (Sublingual)
8:00 PM - 5 blotter hits LSD (Sublingual)
8:30 PM - 15 mg 2C-P (Insufflated)

2:00 PM - 6:00 AM - Alcohol (Oral, repeated)

It was a sunny day, just below the perfect temperature to be comfortable outside. I went to [a college] with my best friend J to meet my other best friend D. On the ride, I dropped 10 hits of blotter I had recently procured. Within about 20 minutes, I started to notice visual distortions similar to 1 or 2 hits, and by the time an hour had passed, I began to feel excited and energetic, as if I was two hours into a 5 hit trip. For a moment, I considered taking the other 10 strip I had, thinking this wasn't very strong. After some thought, though, I realized that the 'trip' that had 'plateaued' had only been the come up; I would normally only expect to experience threshold effects at 1 hour.

I had wanted to take a 10 strip since I was younger and a lot less mature, but the circumstances were very inviting. My friends were not tripping, so I didn't have anyone to take care of, and I was being monitored and kept on track. Because of this, I experienced NO anxiety and was pretty lucid all the way through. The doses of psychedelics to which I've become accustomed to taking are somewhat high compared to those taken by most people who are not my close friends. When close individuals take responsibility for their friends' short term sanity when tripping, it becomes fairly easy to get through just about anything. I'll list some significant past experiences:

5 hits blotter LSD + 7 g Mushrooms + syrian rue extract
3 hits blotter LSD + 300 mg DXM (by far the most intense trip I've ever experienced)
35(+) mg 2C-E
50 mg 2C-I + 22 mg 2C-E (2C-E 6 hours after 2C-I dose)
30 mg 2C-I + 25 mg 2C-E
30 mg 2C-P
14 g Mushrooms

This trip was very different from my more recent trips. Acid has a way of directing my attention away from the fact that I'm on a drug, pushing me into the experience. I felt like I understood the reason why people call it an 'experience' rather than a very interesting chemical (something I've become accustomed to feeling about 2c-x's).

So back to the trip. When we arrived (2:00 PM), for about five minutes I was unable to make sense of taking my things out of the car and figuring out how to wear a shirt. Once I wasn't holding a jumble of items, it became much easier to think. After we got situated and picked up some Guinness Extra Stout and Sam Adams Light (for contrast), we hung out in D's kitchen with the door open to the outside. I was SO excited about every idea anyone had, but it was really easy to lose my train of thought if I didn't concentrate hard. J cheerfully commented, 'I haven't seen B this f***ed up in a long time!' and I encouraged him to subtly mess with me to confuse me all day. We started listening to Autechre, which was extremely euphoric. D had found a torrent for the limited edition version of the album Quaristice, which has an extra 11 songs that are about ideas in the first 20 songs. Autechre has a way of taking a certain idea and making it three-dimensional; the song structure uses themes with such variation and development that reminds me of the way vision works when I move to get a better idea of the intricacies of a surface. To me, listening to these 11 songs was like walking all the way behind the ideas.

I soon remembered that I had promised a friend of mine that I would call her. The night before, she was so drunk that she forgot how to pretend to be a person she's not, and I listened intently. What she said changed the way I felt about her so much that something really changed in me. I had been somewhat interested in her, but I realized that I didn't consider our interaction to be a true friendship. There was a definitive moment in which she became important to me so that I would value her friendship regardless of what it develops into. Holding her in such high esteem meant that it meant more to me to be her friend than to be romantically interested in her. I feel that I'm beginning to more fully understand what love is, although I now also realize that there is so much more to it that I have yet to discover.

So I wrote a letter to her, recited it and rewrote it in the words I chose for speaking, and gave her a call. I wanted her to know that she's important to me because she's my friend, and that we don’t have to try to be romantic. Romance is a stream that runs through the veins of friendship, integral to every relationship, and there’s no mistaking it when it surfaces. Building a strong foundation will make whatever is on top of it strong, regardless of what the structure is used for. I told her, 'When there's no resistance, I don't have to push.' It's been exhilarating to actually feel the way I always thought I should feel about someone I care about. Love had always been more of an escalation of attraction; if I felt 'in love' with someone, it meant that I couldn't imagine a more attractive person, and that I felt euphoric whenever I perceived anything she did or even thought about her, and doing anything to communicate my love for her felt like the only thing that mattered at all in the world. However great that sounds, I realized that it is incomplete: the kind of friendship I have with D and J is true love between individuals, and to love someone in that way before letting myself fall for her is essential to gaining a true experience of her as a person and to fully being a person myself. (Despite the fact that our friendship never got very far as she had some strange personal issues interfering, I regret nothing and consider our short interaction a fundamental piece of my personal journey).

After the conversation, I came back inside and measured out 20 mg of 2C-P to take orally. I had been peaking all day, but it was only 5:00 PM, and I felt that the slow onset of the 2C-P would be appropriate. However, the effects were somewhat limited, as if a cross tolerance had already developed, despite the typically lacking tolerance buildup with consecutive dosing of 2c's. Perhaps also I have become so accustomed to high doses of research chemicals that suggested doses of common acid tabs may be limited in strength comparatively. I must note that I was extremely energetic and in a wonderful mood, and maybe the fact that I had absolutely no difficult moments throughout the trip led me to believe that I was not experiencing enough effects. I had no delusions or thought loops, and my friends kept me focused through my scattered moments of distraction.

As I explain my analysis of certain effects of acid and 2C-P, I must describe the explanation of the nature of the effects of all psychedelics that my friends and I have developed. Every psychedelic increases the amplitude (i.e., frequency or firing rate) of signals related to perception, and each psychedelic causes a different balance of emphases. For example, increasing the firing rate of cones in the eye causes brighter colors; However, the way that the brain handles such an increase is not often just a more intense version of the idea. Signals that are significantly amplified are given more specific attention through various pathways. When visual contrast is randomly increased, the brain evaluates this information to communicate movement, even if the object is known to be stationary. It is our hypothesis that the effects experienced from a psychedelic are better described as subjectively experiencing the brain's reactions to signals that are simply amplified.

From this experience, it seems that acid is very opposite from 2C-P with regard to certain metaphysical ideas. I felt very hesitant to say that two ideas or objects are not actually the same thing. It seemed important to note the possibility that a distinction could be based on an incomplete idea or flawed point of view such that the distinction is erroneous. Objects and ideas feel connected by something greater than them; this gives rise what I would call common 'acid revelations' such as Bill Hicks' humorously accurate portrayal:

'Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves'

On acid, Black and white are not distinguished by a line between them but may be represented as extrema on a single curve of their synthesis - in this case, grey.

My experiences with 2C-P have suggested to me that those realizations on acid are actually the result of the emphasis on a particular aspect of perception that is pushed by the drug: 2C-P has a nearly opposite effect, which seems to emphasize the existence of an object or idea (i.e., the perception of its existence is experienced repeatedly) so much that taking note of the distinction between objects or ideas becomes practically the most important priority necessary to gaining a clear understanding of anything. I recall being hung up on the distinction between the infinite limit of a converging sum and the actual integer L; this distinction is not unlike the difference between being sure that I am and I exist versus being sure that an object that I am not has existence also supplemented by being. I was convinced that any idea could be expressed through binary logic but because any object possesses being and existence, the only way to overcome this two-dimensional idea is to map the dimensions into one, i.e., to assume that the dimensions are the same entity.

If the separation of distinct entities is the first element of thought used to consider ideas, how then are ideas related? An infinitesimally small point is infinitely separated from one other such point in a space; however, the synthesis of various ratios of separation between several unique points is used to consider the meaning of individual separations practically as a scale. The effect that the existence of an object or idea has on another idea has less to do with defining the idea itself but rather is concerned with its position in a composite topological space. Despite the inability to represent the entire set within a topology all at once, subsets are possible to conceptualize; after walking around a building, you can’t see all four sides of it at once, but you can surely understand the idea of each and the idea of their sum that connects them.

When the distinction is made between objects, the discovery is made: 'That is a thing, and it's not the same as other things.' It then felt necessary to consider polygonal containers to create directional reference boundaries around ideas to allow a spatial interlocking of the spaces around and between them. Interlocking containers are used to create a reference frame that allows for the practical relations of the 'things' (entities) contained by them.

When combined, the acid seemed to take control the 2C-P; its effects seemed curved and truncated to resemble acid. This may be related to doing the acid prior to the 2C-P, as well as the idea that any intersection between effects would be vastly emphasized over the differences between them. Thoughts became a bit sillier (silliness is a notion strongly associated with describing the effects of 2C-P, although it is not unique to it by any means), and it became easier to feel spatially disoriented. It wasn't unfamiliar enough that I couldn't treat it with the same attention I was giving the acid, but it was definitely different. Geometric patterns were peeking through my vision, but not dominating it; the two drugs seemed at odds with each other visually. It was as if the geometric patterning from the 2C-P was a sphere covered in the viscous, neon colored fluid that by the effects of the acid had assumed authority to represent all matter previous to this point.

It seemed that all objects were made of this sort of material - it could morph and form or flow, and in every color I felt and saw a rainbow. The natural form of the fluid could be likened to Nickelodeon GAK, especially in its ability to form around a shape enough to be nearly transparent. Although the geometry could not be directly perceived, it could be inferred by the shape of its interaction with the fluid. There were occasions, although short in duration, in which the 2C-P burst through the surface usually as black-white high contrast flashes.

J had fallen asleep, so D and I watched television for a while. As I began to drink a large glass of Guinness extra stout, I noticed almost completely immediate effects. Throughout the trip, my mind would slowly attempt to assume levels of attention to ideas consistent with a sober mind; slowly, I was learning how to be sober, despite the still very strong effects of the chemicals. After each large sip of beer, I would forget all that and become extremely silly for about 5 minutes. Then I'd recollect myself and I could do it again. The simple task of typing a song name and hitting play was complicated by my fascination with every object in reaching distance, especially if I could pretend it was a hat. It was as if I experienced a psychedelic peak (due to increased mental vulnerability) with every sip of alcohol!

As I waited for J to wake up, D and I watched a bit of television. The show Bleach was on, and while I had seen a few episodes, it never caught my attention until now. In this particular episode, Rukia experiences a flashback of the first time she trained with her deceased sensei, Kaien Shiba. Her inner monologue as she runs with Kaien reveals her deepest feelings: “I remember this. This scenery, every tree in the grove. This bouncing feeling of anxiety and excitement and warmth, all blending together. This is the place where Kaien-dono first trained me.” I was floored by such a perfect way to illustrate that she truly admires this person. Kaien reflects on his superior’s philosophy regarding the purpose of fighting. He says that fighting to protect one’s life and to protect one’s pride are actually fighting for the same thing: the heart. He asks Rukia, “Where do you think that ‘heart’ is?” Flustered, Rukia puts her hand over her chest and says, “w… well, um.. of course it’s right around here… isn’t it?” Kaien confidently stands tall while lowering his head to meet her eyes with his, flexes his arm and puts his fist right between his and Rukia’s hearts. “..maybe. But I think that the heart is right here.” This scene has had a longstanding impact on me as I see the heart that I share with my closest friends as the synthesis of material and spiritual; it is essential to my humanity and the joy of living.

Around 2:00 AM, J finally showed some signs of life, and I assured him that some champagne would wake him up. We checked out the party the neighbors threw upstairs, which was a nice warm up. Things died down and we wandered down the street until we found another party with plenty of friendly people, and J got in touch with a friend, Da, who came down with us but partied elsewhere. A few guys were heading over toward that neighborhood, and so we called a taxi and showed up to Da’s friends’ house. Combined with my already energetic state, the way J and I feed off of each other like we’re building a tower of excitement led us to take a dying party and turn it into a dance off on the deck for another four hours. I had previously met this dude at a gas station on the way to the university who was carrying an armful of empty beer cans as he climbed out of his pickup, and by some extravagant coincidence, he was right there with us, partying. He spotted me and yelled, “I told you I’d see ya later!” despite not knowing anyone there at all. The atmosphere we helped create seemed to bring out the best in everyone, especially Da. I perceived a rare humor about her, radiating with spirit and felicity while keenly self aware. As daylight approached, J and I retreated to D’s house to conclude this outstanding adventure.

Ever since, (it’s been a couple months), I’ve felt such vigor and direction, and I’ve realized the importance of faith in all of this. I feel that finding a more true understanding of the abstracts (love, joy, justice, equality, and, similarly, their cause, which Plato calls “the good” and I would call God) requires faith in the absolute nature of the transcendent. Faith that love is greater, faith that life is more wonderful, faith that God is good and that goodness is real are required to gain significant insight into the natures of these things. I’ve never felt so in touch with living, and I see the single purpose of everything I’ve ever experienced to be to bring me here.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85902
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 22, 2010Views: 14,362
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2C-P (305), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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