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Good Lord, Make It Stop
Desfontania spinosa
Citation:   Regretful Guinea Pig. "Good Lord, Make It Stop: An Experience with Desfontania spinosa (exp85904)". Feb 21, 2018.

  smoked Desfontainia spinosa (leaves)
    smoked Desfontainia spinosa (extract)
    oral Desfontainia spinosa (tea)
After reading that this plant was somewhat similar to S. divinorum, I ordered an ounce of dried foliage and three grams of 10x extract from an online vendor. Unfortunately I was unable to find much more information on it, and I honestly should have stopped as soon as I realized this.

My first few experiments involved smoking the foliage and the extract, to good effect. It was similar to cannabis and at higher doses produced a fleeting, dissociative-like body high reminiscent of DXM or glaucine.

My trouble began when I attempted oral administration. I made a tea with about two thirds of the ounce of foliage and drank a little over half of the resulting decoction. I experienced nothing for about twenty minutes, which then gave way to unbearable nausea, hot flashes, severe tachycardia (I thought I was bound for cardiac arrest), diarrhea, muscle spasms, and disordered, absurd thought patterns (but no true hallucinogenic properties). The worst lasted for about five hours and has gradually subsided into general malaise and discomfort, about twelve hours after ingestion.

Not recommended by any means.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 6,283
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Desfontainia spinosa (538) : Alone (16), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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