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A Lot to It
Citation:   Barton. "A Lot to It: An Experience with 6-APB (exp86223)". Nov 1, 2010.

T+ 0:00
75 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I’ve experienced cannabis, salvia, datura, morning glory seeds, lsd, mdma, speed, mephedrone, butylone, M1, MDPV, 5-meo-dalt, nutmeg, some benzos, and other things I can’t recall just now.

6-APB introduced me to the potential of manmade psychedelics, I’ve never tried any 2c’s, so it’s hard to compare.

Well I got my 200mg sample yesterday morning & decided I’d be sharing it with some friends while we’re out, whatever we might end up doing, I could see how well 6A might work for that setting. Sorry for the long report if that’s not your thing, but I write them long to integrate & remember the experience as well as share information with all you. Don’t know how my writing is, still got a lazy, spaced-out type of mind set after last night.

I think I contribute my quick come up, uneasy stomach and dazzling effects to weighing 55kg and having not ate very much.

So aye, I found myself at a train station about 4:30pm, waiting on folk coming so that we could go to a park, buy some weed, chill, and maybe play some football. I was with A, B, C, D & E. I basically explained the basics of 6-APB and B said that he wouldn’t mind trying it. So I bombed 70-80mg, B bombed 60-70. B said he had been reading up on something I had told him about before, 6-APB, I told him that is what he just took. I think I realised who he was on the drug forum last night, got a bit into thought with it. But, anyway, let’s say 4:30 is t+0.00. Afraid it’s rough time estimates because I left my small amount of notes on the train, that’ll be a strange read for anyone passing by.

T- 3.00 – Had strange stomach sensations and felt quite exhausted, could not eat properly and didn’t have much energy to move. Felt better after a shower, but wondered what was up with my stomach.

T + 0.00 – Ate a bomb with 70-80mg of 6A, eyeballed. Kept an open mind to what might happen next.

T + 0.15 – Body feels light as I move can definitely feel the beginning of a come-up. Like whenever I bombed Mephedrone it would kick in surprisingly fast.

T+ 0.30 – Mild tingles in my body as I go to the post office to buy a pen and pad because I knew that I’d probably duff up the time scale bad when it came to it.

T+ 0.45 – After going to a mate’s house with A to get a football just a little walk away, It really started to build fast. Mild euphoric waves and feeling very talkative with A. All the while I was getting an upset stomach and a dazed feeling like I should probably sit down in the shade and wait to get through it. So I was a little bit sick back at the Train station while still feeling wildly euphoric, was just a wee bit of water though, got scared that I might have ejected the rest of the 6-APB, but I could still feel it building up.

T + 1.00 – After taking a little bit to compose myself, I rejoined the group. B hadn’t felt anything as of yet. We started walking to the park. I was still a little out of the conversation, trying to find a level balance with the drug so It couldn’t topple me over. I had heard of people getting nausea etc while coming up on pure MDMA and other substances, but I thought I wasn’t so prone to that. It was a very quick come up, shockingly so for me anyway. Around this point I was getting more into conversation, very smooth and more flowing chat than usual, finding more of an interest in people & their life’s than I usually do. Like MDMA in that way, but not so sluggish and draining to sober people I’m guessing. Just feeling really good, comfortable in my skin, felt like I was walking on air, so light.

T + 1.45 – We’re at the park now, just waiting on some weed, some really good weed. I wasn’t really thinking about the potential effects of 6A combined with cannabis at this point. Everything seemed like it was going well and would go well, so I just went with it. I was really feeling the love and the sunshine but I kept the codshit to myself since there weren’t many people on the same wavelength as me. B said he was feeling chatty, I noticed he looked completely fine though. I on the other hand had funny facial expressions, quite a big grin and was dancing away with any music put on.

Everything seemed in its place & I thought that this was very much like time released mdma. A walk in the park mdma. I could tell this would be nice at a party or rave. Music was going right through me and the visual effects were just starting. Continuous fractal patterning on everything I looked at, the sky had a holographic overlay, patterned sea shells. As I danced, I could see I was producing see-through rainbow tracers, lovely stuff. Very beautiful and not intense at all at this time. Comparable to my first cube of acid. Closed eye visuals seemed random and scattered, I seen there was still some distance to go on this drug.

T + 2.30 – I think it was around now that we got the grass. A had taken a bomb somewhere between 50-70m an hour ago and wasn’t getting much out of it so far. We started passing 3 joints of the some of the best weed I’ve smoked in a while. It was a strange and gradual twist at this point. As everyone started to get high, I realised I was also high. When I realised what time it was, myself and B thought it had went by very quickly.

T + 3.00 – Everyone is really high just now, walking around laughing and being general stoners. Up to this point F, G and H had arrived. More sober people who insisted in talking about silly drama orientated things which I couldn’t really deal with. So I’m just walking in between F, G and H and everyone else rambling about my visuals which were becoming the strongest I’ve ever experienced. I’ve not had much experience with manmade psychedelics so I can’t really say how strong it is in that sense. With acid I can usually look at everything and see fractal patterns and watch things change colours, though I’ve only tried quite low doses.

I could look at tree’s with 6-APB and watch them turn into a wonderful piece of art with completely different colours and textures, gradually morphing more and more leaving me in awe. I was expecting more of an entactogenic experience and should have considered what weed would do. Smoking weed with M1, mdma, mephedrone etc always leaves me very psychedelic, in my own head with all sorts of very quick and sharp thoughts, getting into deep details of the psychology of people around me and my own. Basically, as soon as psychedelics come into it, they take over from everything else for me. This was more controlled and easier to explore, the stimulation was a bit mad though, I was partially chewing my face off. I was probably moving quite strangely as well, being distracted by something lovely looking quite a lot. A says he feels something building up. I’m out of this world. B looks the same but must be feeling pretty rambled. Even folk that were only toking looked a bit monged.

T + 4.00 – We start to play football, 3 aside. I’m playing with A & D, we do quite well. I just run up and down waiting for passes, I play quite well. I try to see it from strategic points of view and get right into it. The little weeds and flowers on the grass looked very Wonderland; it was surreal playing football around all this nature from other planets & mosaic forestry. When going to get the ball after a goal was scored against us, I would zone out & forget I’m playing football, playing around with the visual control strings. We ended up winning, then realising we had barely any time to reach the shops before they stop selling drink. Walking to the train station, A told me he was out of it, I’ve tripped with A before and he did seem like he was, perhaps still a little better grounded.

We talked about people in a fair bit of detail amongst some other stuff that I enjoyed talking about. We ended up at the station looking at each other for ages, his eyes would change colour and patterns would cause a shimmer that climbed and fell down his whole body. He also looked smaller than usual and I started to think about proportions. So at this point we are quite fear and loathing, I’m on a full scale trip. We’ve got 5 minutes till the train and everyone else hadn’t caught up with us yet, we go find them, miss the train and don’t get booze because of it. Stoned people can be very hard to persuade, and what can you do when they have the grass.

T + 5.00 – The random sober people seem upset and leave. They should have left long ago, we obviously weren’t blending well. Myself and A were feeling quite uncomfortable around them, bad vibes. They left and it look a great weight off my back. We’ve been smoking joints occasionally up to this point, having ran out of water I’m getting a bad dry throat and want to go get some water. But everyone else being hard to move, quite comfortably perched in this golf course, I had to wait until we’d finished here, I even gave up on smoking because I knew I was on the edge. Still quite euphoric and tingly at this point, but I was wearing shorts and very cold. I had red eyes and massive pupils, not the best combination for walking into Tesco’s and dealing with people.

I think if the set & setting for this trip were better, it could be really enjoyable. I was really getting into it until the cold settled in. At one point walking through the golf course, I was filled with childhood memories of walking through a very similar looking place. It was very strong déjà vu. The sense of emotion was very strong. It’s like the empathy of ecstasy turned inwards, I turned into the sober people from earlier and imagined myself in their shoes, feeling the sadness like they were stuck in some mental rut which enabled them from having fun. It was very eye opening and I felt glad that I don’t find myself feeling that that.

I was definitely in strong psychedelic thought. I imagine If I didn’t smoke weed and perhaps got a little drink the effects would be more euphoric, playful, social and I would still be dancing away like I usually do with ecstasy, mephedrone etc. But it’s hard to say, I could see 6-APB playing a lot of different roles from full on psychedelic trip to a social tool for parties and gigs. I’m keen to use it in different situations.

People should be careful with this. If you aren’t experienced with psychedelics at all then watch out for weed, you might be very surprised and end up having a bad trip. At some points the visuals would get so intense that I’d have to turn away half way through some scene morphing into a completely alien landscape. This has to be treated with some respect, it would be easy to take a very high dose and be unwillingly stuck in an unfamiliar matrix for a long time.

T+ 6.30 – We got to Tesco, finally, and managed to get some water. The capitalist environment is always hard for me to handle in psychedelics, thank fuck for self-service check outs. I think my eyes were quite noticeable, but I’m quite used to walking around this area full of rocket fuel. By this point the psychedelics had merged into my normal mind set. Unfortunately the only way I could look at people without them merging with the visuals is if I looked at them really quickly and looked away, so I got used to it.

Need more control over this I thought. Myself and A were both quite in the same mindset which I appreciated. We looked at people going on with day to day business and quietly laughed at how ignorant they were to the beauty that we could see in everything. Around this point I started to walk back to the train station to get home. I was meant to be staying at Pauls, but we decided D would stay instead as it would be very difficult for him to get home. So I said goodbyes, feeling quite strange and went on my way.

I always tend to run in fear of missing this train when I’m stoned. So that’s what I did. This train station, which I see almost everyday allows me to make comparisons, as I know every detail of the place. I’m not sure what I was thinking about, I reckon I was just trying to sort my mind set for walking back into the house. Visual ghost images were appearing in my central vision. On the train I got quite para being around all these sober people, working and all sorts. I got quite distracted by this and ended up leaving my bag on the train. It’s ok, getting it later today.

I ran across some people I knew from School when getting off the train, I felt very awkward, we didn’t know each other at all anymore, and I couldn’t handle anything near normal chat. Getting home I realised I lost my bag, I wasn’t fazed at all by it. The rest of the night was spent trying to make sense of the day and getting into some random music, enjoying the visuals. The laptop was hard to handle, visuals everywhere, I was probably talking some amount of shite as well. I went to bed around 1am and probably didn’t sleep till 3am, being in quite a visual haze with random people talking in my head space like I get when coming down off mdma. Quite enjoyable.

I woke up at quarter past 11 today, quite tired and dazed like I usually feel when waking up after smoking a good amount of weed. I still feel a bit off baseline and this is 3.18pm. No bad comedown whatsoever.

So to summarise...

I think this substance has a lot of potential to do a lot of things, I wasn’t expecting such a psychedelic trip but I’m glad I took this route rather than just drinking and talking cod, a lot more interesting, definitely my most intense trip, It shocked me at first but I managed to get into the flow. From the euphoria and dancing at the start, I can see that It can be very social and recreational. But the majority of my day was spent in serious thought and vivid emotions.

Probably not the best of reports, but I’m still shattered, so there’s my excuse. Wonderful substance, rightfully hyped. I can’t wait to experiment further. It has humbled me in the potential of psychedelics, I definitely haven’t seen it all yet.
Cheers for reading if you got this far.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 1, 2010Views: 52,858
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6-APB (516) : Various (28), First Times (2)

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