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Things Instantly Got Worse
Citation:   leafy. "Things Instantly Got Worse: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp8623)". Jul 1, 2005.

T+ 0:00
2.0 g oral Mushrooms (plant material)
  T+ 48:00 4.0 g oral Mushrooms (plant material)
FIRST TRIP: Waking up I had no clue I would do shrooms, it was about 11 o'clock when I thought I would go down to my best friends house. (We are both 16.) His day started different, he woke up at 6AM to trip, after talking he told me what was up and asked if I wanted some so after careful though, I said sure, we went back to my house and I took some, they said it increases if you smoke some marijuana, so I did. About 30 minutes later started the craziest day of my life, everything was action packed (although it was a normal day) the shrooms increased the fun but 1000%, it felt like I was on top of the world everything was pleasing and nothing could get me down. I had so many good ideas and wanted to talk for a long time about how I was. I felt like I was discovering the cure for something huge when it was just about an AOL: keyword. Anyway it was fun so I had to do it again.

SECOND TRIP (hell trip): this trip was only 2 days after my first, I had to increase the dosage for a more powerful trip, I didn’t want to do them at night in my house, because we would have to stay away from my parents (I cant control myself), and my basement is dark gloomy and depressing. But I did them anyway because my friend wanted to. It started off as the norm. But everything started to get bad I started seeing evil and bad stuff (like people dieing, I saw a 1 dimensional man with a top hat, he was always about 6 feet away no matter where I looked. I could deal with some of this but things instantly got worse...

While seeing all this, my mind received the idea that I was talking to the dead, and they wanted to relay a message to my friend, by since my friend was tripping I couldn't get him to understand and I became very frustrated, because there was so much going on around me. AND IT GETS WORSE...

My mom was sleeping in my sisters room because my sister was gone and her dog would start to wine and bark if it was left in the room by itself. We are in about 4 hours into the trip when my friend and I were looking for something but we didn’t know what, we were coming down from the trip and could slightly understand stuff, I said to him 'man overall this has been a shitty trip'. All of a sudden I turn around and my dad is RIGHT THERE! I calmed myself and asked what? He asked where my mom was (it's about 3 o'clock) at night, and at the time I didn’t know.

Now to make things short (because this is already a long message), I was seeing evil stuff, a man always in front of me (he looked like the devil or something like that), people screaming out for help, me talking to a dead person, my dad hearing me say that, and worried shitless of where my mom was at 3 o'clock at night.

The day after that I said I'm done, I’ve gotten into to much already and I need to stop, I have goals in my life and they have nothing to do with drugs, I trashed everything I owned, pipe, pot, stash's. Anything you can think of

For the next 3 days I felt very depressed and not knowing why I was doing all to myself

OVERALL: I would consider another trip, but take it easy, I think this trip was a message to me, watch yourself you get into stuff to deep things can go bad take it slow and think about what you want. Since this trip I haven’t touched a drug, although its only been about 3 weeks. I know I want to trip again with in the next couple weeks, but not at night in my basement.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8623
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 1, 2005Views: 5,798
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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