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In Hindsight I Would Not Have Taken Such a Large Dose
Citation:   kavadrinker. "In Hindsight I Would Not Have Taken Such a Large Dose: An Experience with Kava (exp86279)". Sep 6, 2021.

T+ 0:00
3 Tbsp oral Kava (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:10 3 Tbsp oral Kava (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 3 Tbsp oral Kava (powder / crystals)
Relaxing but Be Careful About Dosing

Currently I am trying my best not to vomit. I have consumed a rather large amount of kava. I said that I had a total 9 tablespoons, but this may be underestimating a little bit as the tablespoons were rounded, not flat. I already vomited once this evening, but overall this has been by no means a negative experience. I was taking kava for its anti-anxiety effects but I would describe the effect more as sedation. Do I feel less anxious? Yes. But it also feels a lot like the effects of alcohol, except that it seems to plateau at a certain point, which is probably desirable.

When I vomited, I had eaten some chocolate, and I'm guessing that that was a bad idea, especially because I had an upset stomach from the kava.Unfortunately, after I vomited the effects of the kava seemed to wear off (which is why I drank more later).

At first the taste of the kava wasn't that bad; it just tasted like plain muddy water. But when I drank more after having had some already it was very difficult to drink, almost like alcohol.

I had read some cynical people on a forum saying that legal highs were all just placebo effect, but I definitely was affected by kava.

As far as preparation, for my most recent consumption I mixed the 3 tablespoons of kava in a mixture of mostly milk with a small amount of water for 5 minutes with a spoon and then drank a little less than half of it. I then waited 10 minutes to make sure the kava would stay down and then had the rest of the mixture. [initial 3 tablespoons followed by 3 tablespoons followed by 3 tablespoons]

Comparing this with cannabis, which I'm familiar with, I would say the effects of the kava are not quite as strong (I'm able to resist the urge to go to sleep). In a lot of ways it's more like alcohol.

I'm still feeling like I might vomit, although so far I've been able to resist the urge.

The reason I took such a large dose was because I felt like I was coming down, but in hindsight I would not have done so. Rather I would have just let the initial dosage of 3 tablespoons wear off.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86279
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 6, 2021Views: 1,144
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Kava (30) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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