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Tripping Italian Style
Citation:   Holly. "Tripping Italian Style: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp8656)". Jul 22, 2002.

2.0 g oral Mushrooms
When you take psychedelics, setting is everything!

We were at my friend's appartment, upstairs from her parents', in an 'Old World' Italian neighborhood in Montreal. Basically that means the whole neighborhood knows each other, everyone's Italian and not alot of older people even speak English. Old Italians sit on their porches, and their are gardens EVERYWHERE. Of course everyone knew G, and they were used seeing me around. We were always stoned but the neighborhood was used to it, they just thought we were 2 silly girls. We always got offered homemade wine cheese, bread & stuff, which is fantastic if you're stoned!

So we were excited to start our trip. It was sunny out and we each took 2 grams. While waiting for 'it' to kick in, I noticed I wanted to take off my sandals. What a feeling! I suddenly realized that the soles of my feet were hyper-sesitive, and I could feel every blade of grass. I gleefully began walking everywhere, trying experience as many different textures as I could, through the soles of my feet. I tried to convince G to do the same, but she was already off exploring neighbors' gardens. I remember looking up at the sun, now 'Mr'.Sun, and he smiled at me. So we spent the next while ecstatically exploring and rolling around in neighboring gardens.

Other highlights: we decided to go to the park, except we decided we HAD to bring G's laminated poster of Mona Lisa smoking a joint, with us. We actually propped the thing on a bench while we played in the playground. The kids there just seemed to think we were happy & fun, so they played with us. I went to the store across the street and bought $40 worth of candies for us and these kids. Then we noticed Mona Lisa didn't seem to be smiling anymore, she seemed pissed, so we took her back to G's.

It started to rain by then, but instead of being sad we lay on the balcony and watched HUGE raindrops fall on us in slow motion. We saw G's Dad get home downstairs, and he asked in Italian what we were doing. G said we were 'meditating' and I tried not to giggle because I seemed to understand every word even though I don't speak Italian.

After that our trip just slowly faded, Mona Lisa went back on the wall, and we both agreed our first mushroom experience was a great success.

I think the most important factors in our good time were:
1) the neighborhood, which was nosy but at the same time very safe
2) the fact that most of the neighbors have no clue about drugs, and were used to our odd behaviour, so we could get away with alot
3) it was warm and sunny
4) lots of plants and trees everywhere

From my experience, a warm sunny day is probably the best guarantee of a good trip! Being outside is fantastic on mushrooms, even if it's just on a balcony. I don't think I COULD stay inside on mushrooms!

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 8656
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 22, 2002Views: 5,652
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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