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Searching for an Uplift Made Me Sick
Citation:   Bipolish. "Searching for an Uplift Made Me Sick: An Experience with Tianeptine (exp86828)". Dec 13, 2015.

187.5 mg oral Pharms - Tianeptine (pill / tablet)
In search for a better antidepressant I learned about a drug different from typical SSRI's, Stablon. I obtained a pack, and took it at recommended dosage for about a week (3 pills/day) without feeling any benefits.

Desperate in my apathy I grew very impatient, even whilst aware of most antidepressant drugs (ssri, maoi, tri's) delay-of-benefits, so I recklessly decided to try more. Reading about toxicity of the drug I relied upon one report of a woman taking upwards of 40 pills without incident, and decided to go full speed ahead (I wouldn't recommend relying on ONE report which wasn't even a medical publication). I swallowed about 5 of the tiny pills at once 3 times within 2 hours for a total of 15 pills ingested.

I'm not really a substance user who has experience with lots of drugs but the effects were now very noticeable. I was lifted into a better mood and felt kind of A feeling similar to tramadol high, so I guess dirty synthetic opioid feeling, complete with the nausea I experience on a 150 mg Ultram comedown, but with a tad less dysphoria, enough to outweigh the pros of this drug. Which is why I haven't reordered it yet.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 86828
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2015Views: 16,850
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Pharms - Tianeptine (466) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47), General (1)

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