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First Flavour Trip
Miracle Berry
by D
Citation:   D. "First Flavour Trip: An Experience with Miracle Berry (exp86853)". Nov 18, 2020.

1 tablet oral Miracle Berry
I first heard about this fruit a year ago, since it was almost impossible to get where I live I let it go and forgot. A month ago I found completely by chance the ad for a product that was basically the miracle berry in tablet form. I ordered some and finally tried it. I took a tablet (that I think amounts to a fruit) and then proceeded to try some food with my wife.

It' really amazing, it's hard to describe, I keep reading that it's like eating a bitter food with sugar on it but it's not like that, basically I percieve it as sweet even though it's not so I get a weird sensation like I am tasting something that's not of this world, I think they are once again proof that our world it's not real, it's only perception.

I'm not gonna describe what foods taste like because there are plenty to try (and I plan on doing another round with different food) the only thing I'm gonna say is that lemons really taste amazing the first bite I was laughing with amazement like a child. Sex while on miracle berry, kissing, going down on my partner is an experience like no other, everything is like sugar coated and wonderful.

The onset and plateau are immediate and the effect lasts for up to 2 hours losing power with time. When the things stop working they leave me with a light buzz feeling a very weird sense of light headedness. Plus my tounge will feel like it has been scraped, like I burnt my mouth. Plus my stomach will be upset, very upset. I can't tell if the effects are caused directly from the miracle berry or are the side effect of eating very bitter food, but they are definitely there and mildly annoying.

I think you must be really really careful with food, take a lemon, it's not just that I am eating a lemon it's how I am eating: I was sucking it, tasting it, moving it around my mouth completely forgetting that I was eating something that would normally make me cringe like it was candy.

Bottom line is that it's an amazing experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86853
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 18, 2020Views: 1,342
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Miracle Berry (425) : Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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