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General Response to Tea and Extract
Citation:   burntredflag. "General Response to Tea and Extract: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp86966)". Aug 2, 2011.

  oral Yohimbe (tea)
    oral Yohimbe (extract)
I've had yohimbe tea a few times. The more teaspoons, the stronger the results. The result from tea seems distinguished from that of the alcohol extract. Better results when boiling for a short amount of time, as longer times seem to reduce potency.

The tea makes me an altered-sexual beast. Not quite hallucinating but homed in on a primal sexuality that women seem to notice. Strong erection. At the time, I had a problem with sweating and yohimbe seemed to have exacerbated it. I feel a little hostile and aggressive, which I like feeling. My eyes become very red. Visine helps, if I want to conceal some of the beast I've become.

I made an alcohol extract once steeped for just over 2 weeks and once for over a month. It was done in Everclear both times. To get any results, I generally needed at least a shot. However, I mostly felt paranoid and although psyched for sex, I did not get the benefits that the tea gave me.

I conclude that the active components conferring improved libido and sexuality are water soluble. As Everclear (California legal) variety is mostly alcohol, this model seems to fit the results I've experienced.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86966
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Aug 2, 2011Views: 6,146
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Yohimbe (96) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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