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Favour Combining the Three
Piracetam, Oxiracetam & Aniracetam
Citation:   Don Racetam. "Favour Combining the Three: An Experience with Piracetam, Oxiracetam & Aniracetam (exp88300)". Nov 12, 2020.

      Smarts - Oxiracetam
-Racetams for the Curious a Users Review

This report will express my experiences, over the course of aproximately 6 months, with the main -racetams (pyrrolidone derivatives): Piracetam, Oxiracetam and Aniracetam. I will report my experiences with them, in broad terms, with the hope of helping those who are considering using them to make their minds up one way or the other. I am a working student of 23 years of age, and was so whilst taking all of these 'nootropic' drugs.

Is generally considered to be the 'weakest' of the the –racetams, and I agree with this insofar as purely cognitive improvements are concerned, such as memory retention, understanding of relationships, etc. However, I have found Piracetam to have a mood stabilizing effect which is almost entirely absent from the other racetams. This stabilization is not unpleasant nor does it feel as if the user had become emotionally “flat”: in other words, it does not mimic the mood stabilization induced by SSRI’s. It seems to be a reaction to an increase in logical association in the thought process. Logical thinking acquires more reality, more “weight” in the psyche and therefore the tendency to follow the dictates of logic becomes more pronounced. Note that this does not mean that logic is sharpened; it just means that it acquires more importance and “weight”, for lack of a better term. This can also have indirect cognition enhancing effects in so far as being in a balanced and tempered mood is more conducive to learning and thinking in a clear-headed manner than being torn asunder by the whims of emotion. Another unique effect from piracetam is potentiating the effects of other smart drugs taken simultaneously. It does however blunt the mindlessness produced by intoxicating substances such as alcohol and marijuana, and allows the user a greater degree of self control and clarity when using these inebriants than would otherwise be the case.

Is generally considered to be a stronger version of Piracetam. This statement seems to me to be a half truth. It is stronger than piracetam in that the the mind feels generally more sharpened by taking Aniracetam than Piracetam. This is particularly true in the areas of visual perception, concentration span, and memory storage and retrieval. However, in the last resort, they seem to do different things altogether so calling it a stronger VERSION of Piracetam is what does not seem to me to be right about this consensus. Aniracetam does not stabilize my mood, nor does it potentiate other nootropics (with the possible exception of Choline). It does however produce, in addition to what has already been mentioned, an increase in mental clarity. If I had to choose between dosing on either Piracetam or Aniracetam, I would unhesitatingly prefer Aniracetam.

Is generally considered to be stronger than Piracetam, but slightly weaker than Aniracetam. This I agree with. Oxiracetam does not produce the clarity and quickness of thought of Aniracetam. However, it has one feature which surprised me the first time I took it and has not declined even with daily dosing over the course of a few weeks, and that is its capacity to speed up memorization and speed up (and improve the accuracy) of memory retrieval. This memory retrieval enhancing effect works not only on things memorized whilst under the effect of the drug, but also (albeit to a lesser degree) to things memorized whilst the brain was unaffected by it. In the area of memory, it is, by a long shot, the strongest racetam and indeed I have never taken a substance which has produced such a noticeable and demonstrable increase in memorization as Oxiracetam has. It is expensive to take on a daily basis for prolonged periods of time (As opposed to Piracetam, and to a lesser degree, Aniracetam), but if taken before an exam (especially an academic one), can surprise the user with its potency and can help him reach the most arcane memories of long-ago read material and allow it to clearly and almost effortlessly surface to the mind at the right time and for the right reason. Its effect on clarity, mood and sensorial perception are negligible, although like piracetam it does seem to potentiate other nootropics.

I have tried combinations of the above racetams, and favour combining the three of them simultaneously. This grants the benefits of each one singularly, whilst allowing these benefits to synergize amongst each other which produces further increase in the strength of these benefits. I have never experienced ill effects or feelings of being “overwhelmed” by combining these three drugs, nor by taking any one of them individually for that matter either. I tend to combine Aniracetam and Oxiracetam in the weeks approaching exam time as the combination of increased mental clarity and increased memorization capacity are very useful for this type of situation. I have always been greeted with success when taking this combination in the weeks approaching examinations. The combination of Piracetam with either Aniracetam or Oxiracetam will simply add an element of emotional stability and will slightly potentiate the effects, reducing the dosage and frequency needed to achieve desirable results.

I have not noticed any ill effects, either from acute or chronic administration: to the contrary, it somehow feels as if it they were priming my brain rather than exhausting it, as would be the case with more typical stimulants of mental function such as amphetamines or coffee. The overall effect is one of health and being on one's game, both mentally and psychically (especially when combining the three).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88300
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 12, 2020Views: 1,575
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Piracetam (95), Smarts - Oxiracetam (565), Aniracetam (286) : Combinations (3), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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