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Slightly Opended Doors of Perception
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Michael S.. "Slightly Opended Doors of Perception: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp89108)". Dec 31, 2020.

30 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (capsule)
  10 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (ground / crushed)
This is the first trip report I’ve written. Hopefully, you will find this report as interesting and intellectually stimulating as some of the reports I’ve read. There is a difficulty in writing about this experience. To put it simply, How do you express clearly one of the most profound experiences of your life?

Prior to the experience, I had recently acquired 100 grams of Peruvian Torch cactus powder. After doing research on the proper dosage, I decided to eat 40 grams of powder. I capped 30 grams and put 10 grams into a glass of orange juice.

About an hour after I took the substance, I started to feel a very subtle discomfort in my stomach but this was nothing intolerable. The first positive effects I started feeling were approximately two hours into the experience, this was realized in the most enjoyable body high I’ve experienced. I was overflowing with warm, embracing, positive energy. My initial thought was that the body was well worth the discomfort. I decided to play some guitar and I found that my creativity was unbridled and flowing well. Cannabis has similar effect when I use it in moderation.

Four hours after taking the substance and I’m still not experiencing any visual effects. I’m assuming that this is because capsules can take a very long time to be fully digested. I decided to take a walk thinking that some exercise would help the digestion. It was dark out when I started walking, and things seemed eerie to an extent. The clouds were a very dark gray, the wind was blowing, and it was cold but, I still managed to see beauty in my surroundings. I walked past the middle school that I went to and in the background I could hear two people talking but make out what they were saying clearly. After surrendering to the cold I decided to go back home. It was on this walk back that the visual effects started to take kick in. I first noticed lights appeared more vibrant. Shortly after that, I started to notice that headlights of oncoming cars were becoming rainbow flames. This was a cool effect because I was next to a busy street and there were several cars coming my way. This quickly became a rainbow light parade that lasted for most of my walk home. After I turned down my street I started to notice that tree branches were elongating like they were rubber bands being stretched. I finally made it to my front step and I was glad to get home and out of the cold.

I decided to grab a bite to eat after I got home. While eating I noticed that my sense of taste was heightened and I could taste every subtle flavor. It was like eating one of your favorite foods for the first time. Shortly thereafter, I decided to relax and listen to music. While I was listening to Datura by Buckethead I was also looking at a picture of him holding his guitar. Then the picture appeared to come to life. First he turned his head and was staring directly at me, then his eyes turned a shade of florescent green, and then with an almost a flip book effect his mask was removed and I could see his face. It became clear to me that he was communicating with me with his music. This was a thought I’ve had before but this experience solidified it as fact in my mind. Any form of art is just a form of emotional communication. All forms of art communicate to the viewer or listener the vision or emotions of the artist. The listener or viewer then interprets the information and has an emotional response to it. Mankind feels love, hate, happiness, sadness from the artist communicating with them. This was very strange but enlightening. I felt that there was an intelligent presence guiding the experience, something foreign from myself.

After a nice music session I decided to watch Heavy Metal which is a very well made and somewhat psychedelically inspired animated movie from the 1980’s. The movie was very compelling I felt on the edge of my seat, I was also seeing faces in the background of the film cells. I attribute this to the mescaline because I’ve seen the movie at least five times and know what it looks like sober. My mind was absolutely overflowing with new thoughts and ideas during this movie. Some of the thoughts or perceived truths that made the most sense to me are that the bodies energy or aura if you will, is what attracts or repels people. Having a bright, happy, and positive body energy effects the level of love you are pouring into your world and having a negative body energy has a the opposite effect. I also became clear to me that any vices or negative aspects of your life effect the quality of your body energy, and the energy your giving out is the frequency that other individuals pick up on, so positive energy brings positive people and positive things into your life. This experience pointed out the negative aspects of my life but at the same time reminded me that I was a good person deserving of happiness. I saw the beauty in life again, the simple beauty that this life gives as a gift to all of us. It also became clear to me that many of us are too infatuated with the distractions of life. This is something that is easy to get caught up into with our consumer driven, high stress, reality. I was taught to periodically remove myself from the equation to find the answers of my questions. I also experienced some more intense visuals and epiphanies but I couldn’t accurately describe them with words, therefore I wouldn’t be doing them justice.

In closing, this has been one of the most beautiful, profound, and spiritually cleansing experiences of my life.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89108
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 31, 2020Views: 726
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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