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Life of the Session
Amphetamines (Adderall) & Cannabis
Citation:   Crestfallen. "Life of the Session: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) & Cannabis (exp89119)". Dec 24, 2022.

30 mg oral Amphetamines
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis
I was prescribed 30mg of Adderall IR for my ADD about 6 months ago. After a month of everyday use, it started to not work and actually started to give me horrible depression/anxiety when it wore off at night. By coincidence, I started smoking weed around the same time. I found that the weed really REALLY helps with the comedown. After about 3 months of continued use with the Adderall, I stopped taking it due to the side effects. Fast forward 5 months.

I smoked weed on and off for those 5 months and recently decided to stop smoking it too because the munchies were destroying my weight loss goals. My house was a complete mess and it really needed to be cleaned. I still had about twenty-five 30mg Adderall tabs and I decided to take one around 12pm and clean everything. Within an hour, my room, which was covered with dirty clothes, dust, and empty water bottles, was spot free clean and I felt great about it. I knew it would really help my parents (I live at home) as well as get them off my back for a few days at least.

After not taking the Adderall for around 3 months, the bad side effects seemed to disappear and I felt like the first time I took it. What I mean is that I was completely clear headed, my worries went way down (I tend to be a very worrisome person) and I felt like doing the RIGHT things in life (like focusing on school and being responsible). Anyways, it was about 9pm and I could feel I was starting to come down. I started getting slightly anxious so I decided to get a couple of grams of some really good weed. I went to my friends house, who deals, and smoked a bowl with him and his gf.

I am usually a very quiet person, kind of shy and normally just not outgoing. With the combo of Adderall and weed, I felt like I couldn't talk enough. In fact, I was the life of this smoking session. I had something to say with ANY topic that came up, I was joking around and people were laughing and genuinely having a good time with me. A friend of my friend came over and we all went outside to smoke a cigarette. We all talked and for once I felt like a normal person able to carry on a conversation without getting horribly awkward and just staying silent. By the time I was done with the cigarette, I was buzzing hard and I felt great.

I had smoked weed while on Adderall before and I never had such an awesome experience like this, nowhere even close. I usually just felt a very rapid heartbeat and lots of thoughts, but not the outgoing-ness. I had recently gotten back together with a girl that I had liked for a couple of years but had grown apart from. Therefore, I was in a pretty good mood and felt great about myself. I think this affected the whole experience. I went home and continued chatting w/ her online and that wrapped up the whole night.

In all honesty, Adderall (IMO) is good for sporadic use, not daily use like it is prescribed. The reason being is that tolerance builds up very quick and just taking more doesn't work because I will be hit with the rebound and it will ruin my whole day. It really helped academically for the first 2 months but then lost all effectiveness until I took 3 months off and let my tolerance go down.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89119
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 24, 2022Views: 383
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Cannabis (1), Amphetamines (6) : Various (28), Performance Enhancement (50), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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