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A Week of 2C-B
by mm
Citation:   mm. "A Week of 2C-B: An Experience with 2C-B (exp89165)". Erowid.org. Dec 22, 2012. erowid.org/exp/89165

  repeated   2C-B
I had just met a new friend and we bonded like crazy over 2C-B. We spent an entire week (yes, 7 days in a row) experimenting with this drug and it is quite a blur. At first, this drug was very enjoyable. It was late September and we found being outside was rather enjoyable. We hiked through the mountains and watched the sunset. We giggled by the river for what seemed like hours. We spent hours in the park talking, even during at night. We both had this sense of needing to do something, so we even went for a bike ride. It was incredibly fun and I've never laughed so hard before. It sort of felt like being a little kid again. In the beginning, the only times I would become uncomfortable would be around other people, besides my friend. In public, we would get this overwhelming sense of paranoia. After about the fifth day of doing this drug, we would become very uncomfortable, almost sick during the onset. By the time we were peaking though, that feeling mostly subsided. It really just became unenjoyable after that. I have taken it once since that week, for a concert, and that was most enjoyable. It was the only time I was comfortable being on it in public, as many of the people around me I'm sure were on it too. However, as enjoyable 2C-B may or may not be, I've had my fair share of this drug and will probably never do it again.

As for the effects: Visuals I can remember was everything seemed to have what a describe as 'breathing' effect, or waviness, slight expanding and contracting of things. It seemed as though I would look at more detail of things, especially shadows or textures in simple, everyday things. My friend and I both found it hard to determine the temperature. We would become hot, and then cold. This was especially strange at night. We both constantly had this feeling of needing to do something, keep moving. As I said before it was a great, strange bonding experience for my friend and me. I'd recommend, if trying, to do it with someone you are comfortable with. She saw me in my lowest of lows and highest of highs during that week.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89165
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 22, 2012Views: 1,930
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2C-B (52) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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