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A Helpful Abort
MDMA & Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone)
Citation:   aSWIMer. "A Helpful Abort: An Experience with MDMA & Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone) (exp89633)". May 31, 2019.

T+ 0:00
200 - 300 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 3:15 4 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine
  T+ 3:15 1 mg sublingual Naloxone
May this story never be read in an emergency. Go to the hospital.

To start off, I had two good friends with me, P. is a recovering opiate addict (his own decision), and G. is a good friend with great Molly.

(5:30pm): It was a relatively quiet Friday night at the dorms, and my friend G. had managed to procure some beautifully pure Molly (light brown airy crystalline powder). P. and I had decided previously to roll this night. P. had never experienced Molly, but had done quite literally everything else. I have experienced my fair share of hallucinogens, and have previously experienced Molly in low doses to much enjoyment.
I have experienced my fair share of hallucinogens, and have previously experienced Molly in low doses to much enjoyment.
I was very excited about rolling with friends again, and in no way had a bad mindset towards this.

Me and P. dosed at 5:30pm with between 200-300mg of Molly powder each. P had previously (~5:10pm) intravenously consumed an 8mg Dilaudid (this comes in later), and would still be high from that for about an hour or two. Since we knew it would take about 30-45 minutes to set in, we decided to walk around and later drive to a local food place to eat.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
(6:20pm): We are in the car at the food place when P. and I realize we're definitely coming up and can clearly feel the building internal energy. The waves of power feel amazing to me, and I'm definitely enjoying P.'s music (which is usually strange). We leave the car to walk inside.

(6:25-6:40pm): These 15 minutes are a very critical point in time, because almost as soon as we entered the food place I realized how hard I was rolling. I have tripped LSD before and am very aware of its sometimes overpowering mind properties, but the MDMA trip was really getting to me. I went into the bathroom to see if my irises even existed (pupils grow on Molly), and concluded that they didn't. The waves that I described earlier had been growing very quickly into some sort of psychedelic tsunami. This roll was not fun anymore, I was extremely lightheaded, time became distorted, and my focus kept jumping. I sat down and eagerly asked G. if he could get some Benzos (trip cancel for most any psychedelic). P., upon hearing this was floored and asked what was wrong with me, P was not experiencing anything too strong, but was definitely feelin' it, and he'd never rolled before. As each wave grew more and more intense inside of me I begged them to help me cancel the roll.

(6:45pm): We got back to the dorms, and I started to flip out, honestly fearing for my life, paranoid at the thought of losing consciousness. G. and P. found no one with Benzos. At this point, I suggest hospitalization, knowing that my mother will find out was what scared me the most (shouldn't have let her down).

Then out of nowhere, P. realized “The suboxone will cancel a roll! SUBOXONE!” P. had bought the Suboxone to help with his opiate withdrawals, but had to wait to roll before he ate the Suboxone, otherwise he wouldn't get high off the Molly. Not caring what I ingested to stop that feeling, I used the sublingual tab. I tried to be patient and get through the continuous over-rushing of the Molly as I waited for the Suboxone to hopefully do something.
I tried to be patient and get through the continuous over-rushing of the Molly as I waited for the Suboxone to hopefully do something.

(7:00pm): A miracle happened, a slow trip abort. The super intense Molly peaks were DEFINITELY dulling by a lot. The feeling I had was definitely still rolling, but much more bearable. I was completely okay with Molly at this level, knowing that I wasn't gonna faint and never wake up.

(7:30pm): I thanked P. and G. for helping, and apologized for wasting a good roll.

Later that night, I talked to P. about how intense his roll had been, to my surprise he told me that he was still going up, it was about nine. I knew that a peak Molly trip is usually experienced within 2 hours time of onset. This spurred an interesting conversation that I felt should also be shared, P. and I had done research a little bit later and found that the Dilaudid (opiate) he had taken may have dulled Molly's effects. The reason he was still going up was because he was coming down off of the Dilaudid, which meant the he was becoming more sensitive to the Molly over time (but would not experience the full roll because of the opiates).

The resolution here is, I was very lucky to have another substance nearby to do what felt like cancel the Molly altogether (or dull to acceptable limits).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89633
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2019Views: 2,064
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MDMA (3), Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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