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Sublime but Addictive... Bad With Alcohol
Citation:   SoulMusic. "Sublime but Addictive... Bad With Alcohol: An Experience with Dihydrocodeine (exp89707)". Oct 13, 2016.

120 mg oral Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
    oral Tea  
I know I would get better results if I had a near empty stomach but I had to eat beforehand as had been at work. My plan was to have seriously relaxed evening as my girlfriend was away. I took four 30mg tablets that I purchased abroad at around 20:30 while watching Arsenal beat Barcelona (!). I didn’t feel much for about an hour then slowly came up- probably peaking at around 23:00 although it is hard to tell exactly. I was smoking some old marijuana that I had as well, which definitely heightened the sensation.

I was watching ‘The Abyss’ in a state of complete peace and low level body euphoria- very enjoyable! I had a slight opiate ‘nod’ going on where my eyes would close (voluntary) due to my extreme levels of relaxation and inner calm. I really enjoyed the film and bizarrely quite enjoyed snacking. Drinking tea was very enjoyable too.

I stayed up reading after the film until about 02:00 because I was just so relaxed although I could have slept earlier. I drifted into an incredibly comfortable/ peaceful sleep. It felt more like a rest than a real deep sleep but I was so comfortable and relaxed that this wasn’t a problem. I woke up at 10:00 feeling very fuzzy headed and my pupils were still slightly constricted.

I would definitely say I need to have modest plans for the following day as work was a real effort. There was no real negative come-down for me although I did find myself a bit more irritable than usual dealing with other people.

I’ve done this a few times before and I have to emphasize just how addictive this stuff is. I really never ever want to do this more than once every two months or so. I made the mistake of doing it three times in two months last year and I was really shocked by the craving and how bad the come-downs became. I don’t get addicted to stuff (I smoked cigarettes for a couple of years then decided they were disgusting and never smoked one again) so it can be a real nice treat when I need to reach utter and complete relaxation and contentedness.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Oct 13, 2016Views: 6,694
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Tea (447), Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (392) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), General (1)

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