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Intense First Trip
Citation:   Julia. "Intense First Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp89979)". Erowid.org. Feb 6, 2016. erowid.org/exp/89979

T+ 0:00
3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis  
I am in no means an experienced drug user. I've smoked marijuana for about 3 or 4 years but other than that I had only tried LSD twice and was not impressed. To this day I suspect it may have been bunk.

Anyway, my buddy told me he really wanted to try mushrooms a few weeks ago but didn’t know where to find them. I told him I had a hookup and asked him if he wanted me to get some and we could trip together. He enthusiastically said yes and we decided I would get us an 8th to split. I went out a few days later and picked some up only to find out later that my friend couldn’t hang for another month or two (he’s away in college). One Saturday I was alone in my apartment and had nothing to do. I was bored and really wanted to see what the shrooms were like. I decided I would eat some and go back to my contact to get me and my buddy more in a month. I grabbed some orange juice to help wash the shrooms down and ate about 3 grams (dried). They tasted pretty nasty, especially the after taste. After about 2 grams they started getting harder for me to get down but I wanted to actually trip (unlike my past experiences with LSD) so I sucked it up and downed them.

At this point, I had started writing down what I experienced with the corresponding times. I wanted to be able to remember the experience. Here is what happened after I dosed:

T-0:00= Ate almost all of my 3.5 grams of shrooms.

T+0:30= Didn’t really feel anything but the smell of the incense I had burned in my room a few days earlier smelled stronger all of the sudden.

T+1:00= Turned on some Janis Joplin and smoked a bowl of grass as I had heard this could potentially help give stronger visuals. It definitely made the come up more relaxing and slow.

T+1:15= The music was great to listen to and I felt really good, almost a little euphoric in a way. The smell of the mushrooms kept coming back to me for some reason though and making me feel sick.

T+1:30= I put in a video game to play while I listened to music. Visuals started getting stronger at this point. I thought that the trees in my game had faces in them. I tried to type what I was feeling but found it hard to write. My brain didn’t want to get into the mindset to write. However, when I did start to type, I found that I couldn’t stop.
My brain didn’t want to get into the mindset to write. However, when I did start to type, I found that I couldn’t stop.
I would start typing every thought that came into my mind. My hands would just type like they had a mind of their own. I soon got bored with my game and put the old school Disney versio Alice in Wonderland movie on (typical, right?). I left the volume on the TV low and turned my music up. The music was amazing to me. I had my itunes on shuffle and Jason Derulo’s “Whatcha Say” came on. Music was like an orgasm or something. At the time this was happening I wrote, “I see colors everywhere. The beats in the music are so amazing. I can see the beats in the letters (of what I was typing). The letters bump with the bass. There are rainbows all over the computer screen. The letters are waving off the computer screen trying to crawl off”. The red and green lines that show up under the words with the spell check on Microsoft Word were making the page colorful, little streaks of rainbow colors were all around the screen. A minute or two later I got up to go grab some oreos to eat. When I sat back down I wrote, “My apartment seems tiny, like it’s a movie in front of me, not reality. My keyboard feels like something unfamiliar… unnatural... it’s creeping me out. My fingers aren’t my own, they type without a brain. It’s like they have their own minds”.

Alice in Wonderland was still playing and started making me think of nature and how I wished it were summer and there weren’t 2 feet of snow on the ground so I could go sit outside. One of the songs in the movie was repetitive though and started to annoy me so I shut the movie off and turned my music back up. I looked up at the ceiling and stared at it for a while. It’s sponge painted or something so the little fragments of paint on the ceiling made me see a lot of cool patterns. I can’t get very specific about the patterns because I wasn’t writing exactly what they looked like but I remember I felt like there were layers of patterns all sitting on top of each other and moving, making one complex pattern. It was like the ceiling was moving.

T+1:45= At this time, I wrote down “Visuals are still strong. The taste and smell of the mushrooms are coming back to me and bothering me a lot. My living room feels unfamiliar… I feel lost all the sudden… I get lost in typing this and my hands have a mind of their own… I feel unfamiliar with my fucking living room… I get so lost in typing this, I need to stop”. For a second when I looked at the journal that I was keeping, I thought I saw words being typed but I wasn’t touching the keyboard. I thought it was proof that the computer had a mind of its own. My observations at this time were as follows: “My hands are tiny. I’m losing sense of reality. This isn’t real… life is all a game. The computer screen is melting the keys are melting making me feel gross”.

T+1:55= The colors and patterns I was seeing at this point were so incredibly beautiful and fascinating to me. I wrote, “The colors! The patterns! All moving! I can feel my face morphing… the ceiling… the colors... My fingers feel wet and melty like they were dipped in warm chocolate.” Around this time, I kept having this urge to pee. I only had a little bottle of orange juice to drink earlier so I don’t know why, but this feeling would follow me for the rest of the trip. At this time I could barely type straight. My fingers felt so extremely unfamiliar on my keyboard even though I’ve been using this computer for two years and can usually type with my eyes closed. I got very frustrated that I was unable to type a word without the annoying spell check line showing up underneath.

T+2:00= At this time I started seeing my hand in like a 3D trailing motion every time I moved it, like it was moving in slow motion or something. I again mentioned in my writing how I thought my hands looked small and like they weren’t mine… not sure what that was all about. I then wrote down “my mind is melting all over the place and off of itself. I’m losing perception of time completely”. A few minutes later I decided to watch the new Lady Gaga “Born This Way” video, as I remembered it was weird as fuck. I was in a trance as I watched it. It was out of this world to me. After I watched it I wrote down “I just got completely LOST in the new Lady Gaga video. It was only meant to be watched on shrooms. It was fucking MADE only for those who were tripping hard… it only makes sense seeing it this way”.

T+2:10= At this point, my computer screen was melting and I was really wishing I had someone to talk to. I decided I would go in my room and lay down, as my anti-drug sister would be home from work in 3 or 4 hours and I was tripping so hard I was worried it wouldn’t end in time. I thought I would maybe just sleep the rest off or something while it ended, but boy was I wrong. It got more intense if anything. It seemed like it took me an eternity to shut down the room I had been occupying. I would stop in the middle of doing something and just stand there, staring at nothing, lost in thought for minutes.

This is where my trip got a little creepy. I stopped keeping a journal at this point and stumbled over to my bed to just relax. I think I may have fallen asleep for a brief few minutes or something but I don’t remember. All I remember is looking at my alarm clock every 30 seconds thinking 5 minutes had passed. I eventually got in this creepy mindset where I thought I might be dying for a little bit or that I was already dead. It’s hard to explain, but all I remember is lying in a lump on my bed, thinking I wasn’t a human anymore. My breathing was very slow and I couldn’t/didn’t want to move for some reason. I would look at the clock through the hair covering my face and wonder why time was moving so incredibly slow. I began to think that time had stopped and that I was dead. For some reason, I couldn’t and didn’t want to move, so I stayed in this same position on my bed. I started to think that maybe I had committed suicide and that I was experiencing death. I then felt very alone and scared. I honestly thought I had killed myself and somehow didn’t remember doing it and that I was dead. I had never felt a greater sense of pure fear before in my life until this point. I missed my family and thought of all of the things in life I enjoy. This whole experience lasted for probably 20 minutes but it was so incredibly terrifying that soon after, when I finally could get out of bed, I went outside and went to my mom's house (I live in the apartment above the garage, so she’s right next door) to make sure I wasn’t alone. This was probably the worst mistake I made, because I went over still tripping and out of it, and she kept asking me questions and I would just laugh, like it wasn’t reality. It freaked her out no doubt, but I felt so much safer knowing that I wasn’t dead and still had those who I loved around me.

So that was pretty much how my first trip went. It was interesting, to say the least and was a pretty great experience overall. If I could go back, I might have taken a gram less or something to try to prevent that last bit from happening and maybe waited to do it with a friend so I could have had someone to talk to, but I’m glad I finally got to have the experience.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89979
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 6, 2016Views: 2,486
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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