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Rebirth and Reformation of Mind
4-AcO-DMT and Cannabis
Citation:   FreeFall. "Rebirth and Reformation of Mind: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT and Cannabis (exp90064)". Dec 26, 2013.

1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  40 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
I have to say, much of what I saw March 10, 2011, was nothing you would imagine a trip as. This drug (it’s hard to think of it as that anymore) brought more beauty to my mind than I would have deemed possible. It’s not something you go in wanting to have shits and giggles with, and unless you’ve tripped on it before, you probably would go into the trip with all the wrong motivations. But that’s a part of the process; re-envisioning you’re motivations and reasons in life. This was my first time taking 4-AcO-DMT, but not my first time to visit that place in my mind.

I had gotten the two 20 mg capsules with the intent to do both of them at the same time, but I hadn’t really looked into the effects as much as I had wanted to. I had recently tripped on 4-AcO-DiPT, so I wanted to give myself a break, sober up a bit, and take time to forget what the experience was like. It would make it seem richer this way.

Well, the time had come, and that night I had to prepare. I had some awesome music I had recently downloaded, and my room (office actually) was the perfect setting. I went to get a shower, and then I took a huge waterfall hit of Kush. I wish I hadn’t have done this, because it was such a large hit I didn’t want to move for at least 10 minutes. I remember coming back to it, slowly putting some clothes on, and throwing everything into my bag to get ready to go to my room.

I made it there, and I was actually beginning to doubt if I should take them. I looked at the cup of water, and looked at the two capsules. Down goes the first, down goes the second. I went to go get some water, because I was unnaturally thirst. I drank unnaturally large amounts reciprocally. About 10 to 15 minutes in, it hit me hard. Normally, it would have taken 20 to 50 minutes, but I had starved myself for the past 12 hours to have an empty stomach and not let this go to waste.

One of the first things I noticed was the weird thoughts that kept popping into my head. I was losing my balance somewhat, and making an awful amount of noise I’m sure whenever I fell into my desk, probably waking my entire family. The munchies from the Kush start to overwhelm me, so I head to the pantry, and commence devouring Danishes and honey buns until I lost interest in eating. It’s about 11:47 PM at this point, and about 45 minutes into the experience. The come up was much rougher than I would have liked. I went back to my room, and because it was the office, there were tons of small lights from all of the electronic devices, and in my closet an eerie glow came from our router. My vision was definitely changing, and I could see the lights taking on more neon appearance, and my walls started sparkling. It was dark. I sat down on my bed to admire the scene. Then I lay down. Now, I fall into a psychedelic storm which purely takes place in my mind for the next 2.5 hours.

I feel like I’ve been in this place before. It’s really reminiscent of those lucid dreams I used to get as a young child, 2 or 3 years old. I don’t know how I remember these things, but I do. CEV’s are more complex and astonishing than I thought my mind had the capacity to make. I saw many carpet-like patterns in the back of my head, but they were constantly changing. My mind was teleported to different places all over the world, isolated snowy areas, the desert, the forest, but I remember one particular spot more than anything else; it was very contorted image of a green grass pasture in the middle of spring, and it seemed like the warmth that came from it enlightened me. I then heard a voice, a comforting voice that I had never heard before but was there nonetheless, that directly addressed me, and said “We need to talk.”

From whenever I lay down, to 3 hours into the trip, I felt like I was about to die; it was a near death experience. So whenever I come to this safe refuge in my mind, all of the emotions associated with it permeated throughout me. This was the point where all of my suppressed emotional issues surfaced; I began therapy. This voice was speaking to me, helping me through my problems as they crashed upon me like waves. I remembered random events of my life from as far back as I could remember to so recently, it was a nostalgic overload. There was much emotional healing. I let it take control of me. It was rough, and I came back to my senses at about 1:50 AM.

I woke up, and my jacket wasn’t there. Waking up while tripping is an incredibly frightening thing, and my jacket had my phone and iPod in it; I needed to find it. I felt as though at least 7 or 8 hours had passed, but it was still night time, as I looked out my window and saw the world outside much like a display of bioluminescent magnificence, and my entire room dancing in bright colors. I walked into the kitchen, and looked around in there for a while, and there was also a splash of neon blue from our dishwasher that decorated the room. I looked at the time on the stove, but it was small, and the numbers kept switching to letters, and into words. I forgot sometimes that I was tripping and thought I might have died and gone to some medium of heaven and hell, because reality didn’t seem a characteristic anymore. Time didn’t exist at this point, and only after over half an hour of searching did I find my jacket in the bathroom, with what I needed, and I think having the time to look at kept me from having a bad trip or going insane. We very often say that whenever things take a long time, they take eternity. But every minute passed as an hour, and every hour a day

By 3:00 AM, I walked back into my room with my iPod, and a song by Emancipator called “Anthem” came on, and at that moment, nothing was more ideal. I was dancing in my room, as dark as it was, making lines with the light of my iPod as my room looked set up for a rave. I did this, after about 10 minutes tried to contact my friends, but they were all asleep. I sat down at my laptop, logged on, but the effects of the weed had taken their toll and I was becoming tired. I lay down in bed, and fell into a deep slumber still tripping really hard.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90064
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Dec 26, 2013Views: 4,263
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