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Yellow Jacket Blues
Caffeine & Ephedra
Citation:   captain energy. "Yellow Jacket Blues: An Experience with Caffeine & Ephedra (exp90501)". Nov 30, 2017.

5 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  0.5 tablets oral Oxycodone
  0.5 capsls oral Caffeine
    oral Ephedrine
I bought two bottles of Yellow Jacket with ephedrine a few years ago and tried a half of a capsule today. I knew that by past experience that these were strong and potent so I did not want any of the past bad experiences to take the same health hardships that happened to me two years ago when I took a full dosage.

I had taken half of a percocet which I am very tolerant to and which helps me to endure ephedrine better than without. I felt like I had drank four cups of espresso coffee and had the endurance of a locomotive train engine. This half dosage was much better suited for me as I remember taking two capsules two years ago and my heart was going crazy and beating too fast.

I think that half a capsule is the right dosage for me and it does not interfere with my other medications or even alcohol. I had four beers prior to taking this. I felt better able to handle work tasks and I must admit that I really have to eat a good meal before I take this and drink lots of water for the next several hours after I take it. If I don't then I will get dizzy and too jittery.

I love the product but realize that half dosage is much better than full or more. It will only worsen my comfort levels with racing heart beats and jittery feeling. Half dose per day is more than enough to get the job done and any more than that just makes me too wired. Love the stuff when taken in the right small dosages.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 51
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 1,727
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Ephedrine (23), Caffeine (11) : Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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